Program areas at The Future Society
Total 120 ai and The rule of law:tfs organized The fifth edition of The athens roundtable on ai and The rule of law in Washington d.c., facilitating a two-day dialogue on ai governance challenges. Participants included u.s. Senators, representatives, members of The european and tanzanian parliaments, and representatives from agencies like nist, nsf, oecd, unesco, and organizations such as google deepmind, anthropic, github, and civil Society groups like fli and cset. Academic institutions such as stanford hai and The chinese academy of sciences also attended.
Total 140 global ai governance: participated in 20+ expert working groups: tfs staff participated in expert working groups, including those of, unesco, global partnership on ai, partnership on ai, world economic forum, council of europe, ieee, nist, cen-cenelec, uc berkeley, and The athens roundtable's working and reflection groups, among others.
Total 130 european ai governance:tfs provided input to eu policymakers on governance mechanisms in The proposed ai act, The first comprehensive ai legislation. Through policy research, multi-stakeholder convenings, and meetings with policymakers, tfs made concrete recommendations, including a governance regime for general-purpose ai, The establishment of a european ai office, and a dialogue mechanism between developers and authorities.