Program areas at The Governors of the University of Calgary
General Operations: The University provides education so that society's individuals may advance themselves by graduating with degrees from various faculties and programs. Revenue from general operations includes the provincial government operating grant, tuition fee revenue, investment income available for general spending, and any new revenue generated by faculties and administrative units. Approximately 35,000 students from all Canadian provinces and 100+ other countries participating in 14 faculties: Arts, Cumming School of Medicine, Environmental Design, Graduate Studies, Haskayne School of Business, Kinesiology, Law, Nursing, Qatar Faculty, Schulich School of Engineering, Science, Social Work, Veterinary Medicine, Werklund School of Education
Ancillary Services: The University provides goods and services to the University community and to individuals, companies, and organizations external to the University.
Sponsored Research: The University conducts research activities to fulfill its mission to seek truth and disseminate knowledge. Funded by grants and contracts from external sponsors, donations and endowment investment income.