Program areas at Grolier Club
The library. In fy 2023, The Grolier Club library served a total of 253 readers; responded to 3 phone queries; and answered 124 email queries. A total of 2,176 items were catalogued and 398 records were created, including New acquisitions, and backlogged material. 3 special exhibits were mounted in The library, and 1 was mounted in our public exhibition spaces in The course of fy 2023, highlighting various categories of rare books from library collections. The number of hits to The library pages was 21,151 to The website, 12,016 to The blog, and 12,180 to The online catalog.
Exhibitions program. In fy 2023, The Grolier Club exhibition program sponsored 7 exhibitions of rare books and manuscripts, 3 in The ground floor hall, and 4 in The second floor gallery; all were open to The public, free of charge. Catalogues were produced or made available by The Club for 3 of The 3 ground floor shows, and 2 of The 4 second floor shows. These exhibitions drew a total of approximately 10,000 visitors. About 74 separate notices and reviews of Grolier exhibitions appeared in local and national publications in The course of The fiscal year. 33 of our 65 events, including 27 tours, 1 panel discussion, 2 symposia, and 3 lectures were held in connection with exhibitions in fy 2023; approximately 667,979 hits were recorded by The exhibition pages of The Grolier Club website during this period.
Member servicesadministration of services for approximately 800 members.
The publications program. In fy 2023, The Grolier Club publications program produced or sponsored 5 publications, 3 of which were connected with Grolier Club public exhibitions of rare books and manuscripts. Approximately 2,043 copies of Grolier Club publications--new and backlist titles--were sold in fy 2023, either on-site at The Club, online directly from The Club through its website, or online and otherwise through our distributor, chicago distribution center.