EIN 43-6042632

The Harry S Truman Library Institute National and International Affairs

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The Harry S. Truman Library Institute, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is dedicated to The preservation, advancement, and outreach activities of The Harry S. Truman Library and museum, one of our nation's 13 presidential libraries overseen by The ...
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Program areas at The Harry S Truman Library Institute National and International Affairs

See schedule oeducation: The Truman Library offers a suite of engaging on-site and school-based educational programs that meet state and National academic standards. These critically acclaimed programs are designed to teach participants about Truman, democracy, The presidency, and The importance of civic engagement, while strengthening important life and leadership skills. Each year, tens of thousands of students and teachers gain a deeper understanding of our nation's history, government, and democratic ideals through The Library's educational programs. Using primary source documents and artifacts, students draw connections between The past, present, and future to better understand, anticipate, and resolve problems. The white house decision center - this program gives students an extended, immersive, and inspirational experience at one of Kansas city's iconic cultural institutions while also providing them with a unique educational program that strengthens many core skills. Inspired by president Truman's legacy of leadership and developed by nationally recognized educators, this hands-on history lab is The Truman Library's flagship education program. The white house decision center's simulations immerse students in american history, government, The presidency, and high-stakes decision making in a truly unique setting, a recreation of The truman-era west wing of The white house. Teachers have described it as one of The most profound educational experiences in their students' academic careers. Community education scholarships - The Truman Library Institute is committed to providing as many students as possible with access to The Truman Library. Over The past twenty years, our scholarship fund has given students from economically challenged school districts The opportunity to visit and experience The Truman Library's educational programs and exhibitions at minimal or no cost. Grant scholarship funds can be used to cover museum admissions, white house decision center fees, bus transportation and substitute teacher costs. Reading like a historian second, third, and fifth grade program is a museum-based, truman-focused, and first-of-its-kind interactive educational experience. The students investigate The Truman Library's museum exhibits as they study The three branches of governement, Truman's leadership skills, his momentous decisions as president, and his lasting legacy. Reading like a historian middle and high school program is an in-classroom experience rather than a museum-based experience. Middle and high school teachers are immersed in an intensive week of curriculum development. Teachers are provided with access to experts in The subject area and archivists to assist with content and resources. Ultimately, this program provides teachers with a Truman curriculum, complete investigative units, lesson plans, and resources. Each unit is designed to develop students' critical thinking and investigative skills and uses primary source materials from The Truman Library to teach them about history and president Truman. Institute funds also sponsor The greater Kansas city regional National history day competition, The student internship program, The in-classroom Truman footlocker program, educator workshops, The annual week-long summer teacher conference, and a presidential trivia contest. Thanks to generous donor support, The "expanding president Truman's classroom for democracy initiative" includes new docent training, rebranding of student and teacher resource materials, curriculum standard reviews and new promotional brochures and videos. Truman's research grants program continues to attract top scholars and expand our understanding of Truman and his consequential presidency. Since opening in 1959, The Library's research room has welcomed more than 15,000 historians, writers, and scholars from more than 40 nations. From The beginning and to The present, The Institute has provided more than $3.3 million in financial support to researchers. Today, research grants, awards, and fellowships provide crucial assistance to emerging and established scholars whose contributions illuminate The critical issues of Truman's presidency and legacy.dissertation year fellowships subsidize a doctoral student's teaching or employment income to facilitate The completion of a dissertation that includes historical scholarship of Truman's career or time period. The scholar's award supplements teaching or employment salaries for established scholars working on some aspect of Truman or public and foreign policy issues prominent during his time. Research grants, including The john k. hulston scholarship, offset The cost of conducting onsite research at The Truman Library. The biennial Harry S. Truman book award recognizes The best book published within a two-year period dealing primarily and substantially with Truman or The history of The united states during his presidency.the Institute aims to fulfill president Truman's wishes for his Library by ensuring access to his papers and The study of The presidency. To accomplish his wishes for today and The future, The Institute sponsors collection, preservation, conservation and digital archives support.
See schedule otemporary exhibitions: george w. bush's "portraits in courage: a commander in chief's tribute to america's warriors" on display at The Truman Library from october 13 through december 31, 2022. A vibrant collection of 66 oil paintings and stories by president george w. bush honoring The sacrifice and courage of america's military veterans. 14,574 visitors. "rooted among The ashes: hibakujumoku / a-bombed trees" exhibition on display at The Truman Library from march 31 through december 31, 2023 (extended until april 30, 2024). Fascinating exhibition featuring The photography art of katy mccormick portraying The survivor trees, or hibakujumoku, subjected to The first use of atomic bombs in 1945. The recently renovated $29 million museum exhibition significantly enhances The visitor experience. An expansion to The Library's east side reorients The museum entrance, placing a dramatic emphasis on The courtyard and The trumans' gravesites. Now concentrated entirely on one floor, The new "Harry S. Truman: an ordinary man, his extraordinry journey" is a 12,400-square-foot permanent exhibition that focuses on Truman's life before, during, and after his presidency with technological upgrades, hands-on interactive elements, never-before-seen artifacts, updated scholarship, and a comprehensive educational strategy. The first-floor exhibition includes 230 artifacts plus several hundred facsimiles of documents, letters, and handwritten materials. Highlights include: - immersive sound-and-light theaters depicting world war i and The cold war - 14-foot interactive globe exploring The hard problems of peace following world war ii - expanded insight on Truman's leadership on civil rights and The recognition of israel - fresh perspective on Truman's family, including bess Truman's role as advisor and confidante - loyalty review board role-playing game where players uncover government disloyalty during The red scare - increased storytelling and never-before-seen artifacts from The korean waradditionally, The Truman Library Institute offers traveling exhibitions available for showing: - Harry S. Truman and The birth of israel - one of The most defining moments of president Truman's tenure was his executive action to extend de facto diplomatic recognition to The state of israel on may 14, 1948, just 11 minutes after that nation declared independence. This exhibit explores The historical, cultural, and personal factors that went into The decision, which was an extremely contentious issue among Truman's cabinet and advisors. - Harry S. Truman: Kansas city's commander in chief - this exhibit explores The challenges president Truman faced, The decisions he made that shaped our democracy, and The milestones that sealed his place in history as one of our nation's greatest presidents. - to secure these rights: Harry Truman and civil rights - Harry Truman became The first president to authorize a civil rights committee, speak before The naacp, call for anti-lynching laws and an end to poll taxes. When congress failed to act, Truman issued executive orders #9980 and #9981, desegregating The armed forces and civilian government workforce. This exhibit explores The nation's struggle to safeguard constitutional rights.
See schedule opublic outreach programs and community events: with The goal of informing and engaging local, regional, National and International audiences, The Truman Library and Institute present distinguished authors, historians, journalists, and dignitaries in lectures, panel discussions, and signature events. Through these activities, The Library and Institute strive to increase attendance numbers, visibility, and its network of friends, while also inspiring audiences to play a role in shaping our nation's future. Program presenters have included u.s. presidents, secretaries of state and defense, ambassadors, senators, congressmen, and generals. Institute signature program events: - october 6, 2022 - The Truman medal for economic policy awarded to roger w. ferguson, jr. for extraordinary achievement in The formation and conduct of economic policy. This event is held in partnership with The economic club of Kansas city, The henry w. bloch school of management, and The Missouri council on economic education. - november 30, 2022 - The annual howard and Virginia bennett forum on The presidency featured historian and author jon meacham in conversation with david von drehle. The program garnered The best attendance ever with 1,100 in-person and 250 live-stream attendees. - april 20, 2023 - wild about Harry gala - revenues surpassed more than $1,000,000 for The first time! In-person attendance was estimated at 950 (an all-time record). Presidential historian doris kearns goodwin was The keynote speaker. Retired u.s. navy four-star admiral michelle howard was The Harry S. Truman legacy of leadership honoree. - september 20, 2023 book event - 2022 Truman book award winner christian ostermann gave a public program on his book "between containment and rollback: The united states and The cold war in germany. "75th anniversary of The Truman presidency commemorative events: - may 11, 2023 - recognition of israel public event at The Truman Library with israeli ambassador to The united states michael herzog giving The keynote address. - june 15,2023 book event (berlin airlift, cold war): world chess champion and a contributing editor of The wall street journal garry kasparov gave a public talk on his book, "winter is coming: why vladimir putin and The enemies of The free world must be stopped." - july 12, 2023 book event - author a.j. Baime gave a public talk on his book, "dewey defeats Truman: The 1948 election and The battle for america's soul." - july 26-28, 2023 - The Truman Library Institute hosted The Truman civil rights symposium. For three days in Washington, d.c., The country acknowledged and celebrated its first civil rights president in a National commemoration worthy of this major milestone in american history: Truman's executive orders issued on july 26, 1948, ending 172 years of racial segregation in The u.s. armed forces and federal workforce. Six events were held at four acclaimed venues: The george Washington university, The Library of congress, The National archives, and The smithsonian's National museum of african american history and culture. Highlights include 2 years of planning; 49 presenters, moderators, panelists, and speakers, including an opening video by president barack obama and in-person keynote speech by president joe biden; 522 in-person attendees; more than 19,700 social media mentions of Truman's executive order #9981; more than 235,000 symposium video views.during fiscal year 2023, hundreds of thousands of people were reached via in-person programming, webcasts, radio interviews, television broadcasts, e-news, and social media initiatives.
Public relations and advertising, documentary access, volunteer and intern program, museum artifact/document acquisition, preventative maintenance, us capital rotunda Truman statue, exterior landscaping, misc.

Who funds The Harry S Truman Library Institute National and International Affairs

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
The Sosland FoundationEducation$113,000
Nerman Family FoundationCharitable$105,000
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation 10015600Portraits of Courage$100,000
...and 54 more grants received totalling $616,067

Personnel at The Harry S Truman Library Institute National and International Affairs

Lisa A SullivanChief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer$140,100
Morgan A BurdenExecutive Director and Director$253,250
Mark AdamsEducation Director and Webmaster
John HamiltonInterim Director
Sadie TroyDirector
...and 3 more key personnel

Financials for The Harry S Truman Library Institute National and International Affairs

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$5,545,483
Program services$56,466
Investment income and dividends$406,282
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$-827,522
Net income from fundraising events$-191,938
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$29,920
Total revenues$5,018,691

Form 990s for The Harry S Truman Library Institute National and International Affairs

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-02-13990View PDF
2022-092023-03-03990View PDF
2021-092022-02-15990View PDF
2020-092021-04-12990View PDF
2019-092020-10-07990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s
Data update history
November 26, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
October 23, 2024
Received grants
Identified 3 new grant, including a grant for $5,000 from Spaulding Family Foundation
July 23, 2024
Received grants
Identified 10 new grant, including a grant for $50,000 from Leigh and Tyler Nottberg Family Foundation
June 5, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
May 22, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
Nonprofit Types
Libraries and archivesArts, culture, and humanities nonprofitsCharities
EducationArts, cultural, and humanities
Political advocacyFundraising eventsReceives government fundingEndowed supportTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
5151 Troost Ave 300
Kansas City, MO 64110
Metro area
Kansas City, MO-KS
Jackson County, MO
Website URL
(816) 400-1212
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
A70: Humanities Organizations
NAICS code, primary
51912: Libraries and Archives
Parent/child status
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
May Operate or Solicit for Charitable Purposes
Charity Registration status
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
FTB Entity ID
None yet
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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