Program areas at The Hope Effect
Sonora family-style care program: in sonora, mexico, we established The first nonprofit to receive government approval to provide family-style care. This nonprofit partners with The government to implement their newly-established family-style care program, which helps children get out of orphanages and into loving families. They recruit, evaluate, and train families to provide care, assist with child placement, and provide meaningful follow-up to families who welcome children into their homes.
Michoacan family-style care program: in michoacan, mexico, we became The first nonprofit to receive government approval to provide family-style care. We are partnering with The government to implement their newly-established family-style care program, which helps children get out of orphanages and into loving families. We recruit, evaluate, and train families to provide care, assist with child placement, and provide meaningful follow-up to families who welcome children into their homes.
Cambodia family style care program: in battambang, cambodia, our approach is twofold as we focus on reintegration and prevention. We are helping facilitate The reintegration of children who are currently living in orphanages back into their loving families and providing education and resources to strengthen families and prevent them from surrendering their children to an orphanage.
In chiang mai, thailand, and battambang, cambodia, we are focusing on reintegration and prevention. In santa rosa de copan, honduras, we helped get more kids in loving families.