Program areas at The Hope Venture
Students: The Hope Venture finished 2023 by supporting 661 total students with their education, in sub-saharan africa and south asia. This project primarily helps high school students in kenya, where The dropout rate by high school is nearly 60%. In addition to that, this project also sponsors a few students in uganda, as well as helps scholarship students in kenya, rwanda, and south asia
Education supplies: in 2023 The Hope Venture helped 7,720 children have The supplies they needed for a year of schooling through our backpack project in south asia. These children come from incredibly poor backgrounds where many of The families have never received such a gift and where there is little money leftover for school supplies. In addition, our supplies included uniforms for high school students in uganda.
Centers: in 2023, The Hope Venture was able to provide an organization named "home of Hope" additional funding in order for them to continue their construction of a nursing college. There are many needs The organization has providing for The physically disabled and homeless. One of them being The requirement of medical care. The nursing college is being built in order to help meet those needs. We also provided funds to an organization in uganda to help in The construction of a pregnancy clinic. The clinic will provide safe pregnancy care and delivery for women in need.
Form 990, part iii, line 4d: breakdown of other program services: education skills: $24,272; education centers: $59,339; food: $84,050; water: $11,823; misc aid $3,457; field coord: $11,346; misc program expenses as outlined in form 990 part ix, column b: $232,402