Program areas at The Institute on Science for Global Policy
The isgp organized, facilitated and moderated a program and conference on foresight from The covid-19 pandemic: Science, Policy, and communication (covid-spc). The conference was convened by The isgp using an internet platform across multiple time zones on february 27-march 1, 2023 (western hemisphere). Isgp staff interviewed more than 200 subject-matter experts and stakeholders worldwide to develop topics for The conference. A book, including The conference position papers, not-for-attribution debate summaries, evidence-based options, areas of consensus, and actionable next steps from The conference on foresight from The covid-19 pandemic: Science, Policy, and communication (covid-spc) was published (isbn: 978-1-7334375-3-0).
The isgp developed a program on Global energing and persistent infectious diseases (gepid), interviewing subject-matter experts and stakeholders worldwide to develop programmatic topics and securing funding for program conferences from government, private sector, and public advocacy communities. The gepid program was envisioned to be convened in 2024 as two separate, but related, conferences: one in Washington, d.c., u.s. at The johns hopkins bloomberg center, and The second in brussels, belgium, within nato headquarters.
The isgp organized, convened, and moderated a program and conference on Global pathways to hydrogen energy futures (gphef) - japan. The conference was held on april 7, 8, and 9, 2023 (eastern hemisphere), in yokohama, japan, with some participants joining virtually. At The request of The japanese government, isgp staff briefed The g7 energy ministers in sapporo, japan concerning The outcomes of The gphef - japan program and conference. Isgp interviewed more than 300 subject-matter experts and stakeholders worldwide to develop topics for The conference. A book, including The conference position papers, not-for-attribution debate summaries, evidence-based options, overarching perspectives and priorities, areas of consensus, and actionable next steps from Global pathways to hydrogen energy futures - japan, was published (isbn: 978-1- 7334375-5-4).
Isgp continued to work on its biodefense biosecurity program.