Program areas at The Inn
The Inn's shelter program provides temporary safe housing for families and individuals who are homeless. The Inn provides these services through a contract with The nassau county department of social services. The shelters are staffed 24/7 and provide a range of services including case management and advocacy services to assist The guests with navigating The social service system (public assistance, food stamps, medicaid). Case management services also include assistance in removing barriers to permanent housing.
The center for transformative change (ctc) offers holistic support to guests to improve their physical and economic well-being. The ctc is able to assist with id documents, application for government benefits, transportation, housing/shelter placements, resumes/employment, mail service, access to computers, legal services, health insurance enrollment and referrals for onsite mental health and primary medical care appointments.
The mary brennan Inn soup kitchen provides hot nutritional meals, access to showers, food pantry and a clothing boutique. Meals are served in The dining room as a sit-down service, as well as a "to go" meal option.
The Inn's long term housing program provides safe, affordable housing for those who were formerly homeless or at risk of homelessness. Housing is provided in several houses located within The community which offer The opportunities for guests to live independently with support from The Inn's center for transformative change and shelter program.