Program areas at JDC
Pro bono legal services program (pbls): pbls provides free legal and social services to low-income individuals and families in The areas of eviction defense, family law, domestic violence, tax law, and federal employment discrimination and civil rights matters. Also, nonprofit organizations serving low-income communities receive business law services. Jdc's volunteer recruitment, training, and retention program operates through pbls at jdc's office in downtown San Francisco. Clients are The working poor, families, people with disabilities, and seniors who are served via volunteer attorneys, jdc staff attorneys, or at jdc's court-based programs. As a result of pbls' services, clients retain their housing, gain custody of their children, receive access to Justice, and achieve greater stability.within this program also resides The homeless advocacy project (hap), which provides free legal and supporting social services to low-income individuals and families in The areas of eviction defense, public benefits advocacy, and immigration documentation. Clients are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness, and approximately 75% have a mental health disability and/or physical disability. Chronic homelessness is common for clients, due in large part to issues stemming from their mental health disabilities. Hap operates a drop-in representation clinic at its office in The tenderloin neighborhood. Services are provided primarily by staff attorneys, legal advocates, and social workers. As a result of hap's services, clients retain their housing, access new housing, obtain a stable source of income, access medical and psychological care, and remove barriers to employment.
Cooperative restraining order clinic (croc): is a San francisco-based legal services agency that upholds The legal rights and dignity of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking survivors. Committed to empowerment, croc works to protect The rights and safety of survivors and their children through effective legal assistance, institutional training, and policy advocacy.
Immigrant legal defense programs (ildp): ildp provides direct and volunteer legal services to immigrants and their families vulnerable to deportation. Jdc acts as The legal lead for The San Francisco immigrant legal defense collaborative (sfildc). Through The collaborative, jdc helps coordinate The representation of over 1,400 individuals across The collaborative's 15 partner organizations. Ildp also houses The attorney of The day program (aod) for The San Francisco immigration court. When acting as attorney of The day, jdc attorneys, along with our panel of over 100 volunteer attorneys, provide limited scope representation at The immigration court for individuals who appear at their hearing without representation. In 2020, ildp launched its attorney of The day hotline, providing remote legal consultations and wrap around services to any unrepresented individual appearing before The San Francisco immigration court. As a result of these services, immigrants, their families, advocates, and other stakeholders have access to The legal resources they need to prevent immigrant detentions and deportations.
Diversity educational programs: Diversity in The legal profession is an integral part of our mission. Our education programs help students succeed and explore their interest in a career in The law. From high school to law school, our programs break down barriers, build confidence, and shows that The legal profession is for everyone. The programs transform student's lives through mentoring by our volunteers and The generous support from our legal community that make field trips, prep courses, and a career in law possible.