Program areas at TKC
Education of students - the College had enrollment of 270 degree seeking students for Fall 2022 and 237 degree seeking students for Spring 2023. Through its commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview, The King's College seeks to transform society by preparing students for careers in which they help to shape and eventually to lead strategic public and private institutions, and by supporting faculty members as they directly engage culture through writing and speaking publicly on critical issues. At The King's College, we seek to understand society, to strengthen and apply our intellect, and to develop Christian character, so that we may challenge, change, and improve our culture. For four years, our students are shaped by a relevant and sophisticated biblical worldview. Students become persuasive, influential graduates who communicate with clarity and force and who succeed in challenging professions. This is accomplished through our core curriculum and major courses leading to degrees in Politics, Philosophy and Economics; Media, Culture and the Arts; Finance; Business Management; Religious and Theological Studies; English; Philosophy; Humanities and Journalism, Culture and Society. In 2021, the College entered into an agreement to promote and support King's online degree programs in Politics, Philosophy and Economics; Liberal Studies; Business Management; and Religious and Theological Studies. The first students began a course of studies in April 2022. In April 2023 the College ended its agreement with the external organization and moved all online degree programs back under regular internal operations. We educate young leaders to seamlessly integrate their faith, ethics, and morality into their lives and careers. Students are immersed in challenging academic and spiritual study that demands thinking, communicating, and problem-solving with the mind, heart, and soul. We require engagement with complex ideas to guide the strategic institutions of society - government, commerce, law, media, civil society, education, the arts, and the Church. We participate in a demanding curriculum and present unique opportunities to students in the heart of New York City. We are not a college for the faint of heart - we call our students to be good, brave, and ready.