Program areas at The LAM Foundation
Research CostsThe LAM Foundation awarded $330,000 to fund two new research projects in 2023. The Foundation continued to fund twelve grants which had been approved in prior years. The Foundation prioritized funding for two innovative patient-focused studies: LAM PREP and LAMFit. The LAM Foundation Early Career Network (TEN) met on four occasions, providing a unique environment for young investigators to discuss their LAM research and career goals.
ClinicalThe LAM Clinic & Research Network continues to expand and provide locally based, expert care for women with LAM around the world. We added 4 clinics in 2023: Richmond, VA, Johannesburg, South Africa; Charlottesville, VA and Mainz, Germany. The LAM Foundation hosted 55 members of the LAM Clinic and Research Network at the LAM Foundation luncheon at the ATS Conference in Washington, D.C.
Patient ServicesIn collaboration with our LAM clinic directors, liaisons and scientists we offered 21 virtual events, including LAMposium in Your Living Room webinars, education meetings, and social gatherings. 811 members of our global community attended our virtual events, and the recorded presentation received over 1200 viewings, further spreading LAM education and awareness around the globe. More than 231 individuals registered with the Foundation. Ten Circle of Hope Transplant Support Program participants received lung transplants this year, resulting in more than 54 tissue samples to further LAM research. We produced four joint regional educational conferences in partnership with the TSC Alliance in Denver, Brimingham, Washington D.C. and Seattle.