Program areas at The Latina Muslim Foundation
4c Construction and Repairs of As-Sabil Shelter and Staff Operation Latina Muslim Foundation (LMF) completed the final minor touches on the construction of the shelter such as electrical outlets, and other small building issues to make sure the building is safe and up to codes in Tijuana, Mexico. On a monthly basis, we admitted approximately an 100 refugees,provided them with medical and dental check up, and assisted them with their humanitarian asylum-parole applications toenter U.S. legally.
During our traditional holidays, Ramadan and Hajj we expanded our distribution We expanded our food distribution beyond the shelters and locals to the poor and needy in Vera Cruz, Leon, and Chiapas. In Ramadan, at sunset, we break our fast with a meal. Besides feeding the shelter and locals of Tijuana, we used the donation collected to purchase meals for 30 days for the needy in Vera Cruz, Leon, and Chiapas. Moreover, we expanded our food distribution during Hajj(The Feast of the Sacrifice)to the poor in Vera Cruz, Leon, and Chiapast In honoring Abraham s sxacrifice of his son, Ismail to obey God command, we performed Qurbani an Islamic practice of sacrificing a livestock animal such as a cow or goat at Eid-ul-Adha. We distributed the Qurbani to the poor.
After the shelter was safe, we staff the shelter with an Imam, Director of Facilty, Assistant Director, Refugee Assistant Coordinator, and Cook to operate our programs. For example, the Imam was not only responsible for leading Muslims in their daily and Friday prayers(Jumah) but addressing individuals spiritualneeds. Moreover, the refugee assistant coordinator helped with teaching basic English skills, providing transportation to school for the refugee family with children, jobs, and leaving Tiajuna, Mexico.