Program areas at The Madagascar Water Project
The Madagascar Water Project provided needed maintenance and repairs to approximately 120 wells drilled and build in earlier water programs. Ongoing technical training and counseling are provided to encourage community participation and sustainability.The maintenance program provides clean water to an estimated 100,000 people in the regions of Antsinanana and Vato Vavy in Eastern Madagascar.
The Madagascar Water Project repaired and rehabiliated 26 abandoned water wells in the regions of Anosy, District of Betroka, Fokontany of Besokaka, Naninora, Morahariva, Marovotrym Antatabe Tsanierena, Antatabe, Antatabe Andohany, Bevano Andranoteraka, Ambararata, Analamary, Ambatomanga, Mahasoa Ifataka, Ambovombe, Ambalavato, Soamazava Maroraha, Ankaroka Amboanoelaka, Anabinda, Mandarano Vohitsevo, Antsomitsomy, Beakanga, Samorihy, Andragiragy, Bebakaka, Bemelo Centre, and Bemelo Sud. This area in Southern Madagascar is widely considered to be a disaster area with severe drought and malnutrition. The project requires the identification of broken and abandoned wells, cleaning out each well with drilling equipment, installation of new Indian Mark 111 hand-operated water pumps, reconstruction of surface platform, and training of local community to maintain and manage the pump.The project provides clean water for an estimated 32,335 people in rural Madagascar.
The Madagascar Water Project repaired and rebuilt the municipal water system in Marolambo Madagascar, Region of Antsinanana in Easter Madagascar. The project required the 1) complete reconstruction of a dam and reservoir, 2) repairs and replacement of 6 kilometers of pipeline, 3) repairs and rehabilitation of the filtration system, holding tanks and chlorination system, and 4) construction of 20 water kiosks and 10 water stations. Extensive training in water management is ongoing with the goal to achieve sustainability through local community management.The project provides clean, uncontaminated, chlorinated potable water to an estimated 7,760 people in rural Madagascar.
Fanasana Municipal Water System Rehabilitation Project