Program areas at The Management Center
The Management Center taught organizations and individuals to manage more equitably, sustainably, and toward results in order to help them more effectively accomplish their charitable missions. We provided training and coaching to over 200 section 501 (c)(3) organizations working for social change. We also offered open registration trainings to nonprofit leaders and staff and published educational materials, including our book "managing to change The world; a free, online library of Management tools and resources; and a free e-newsletter sent to over 30,000 recipients every month. Founded in 2006, we have worked with over 1,000 client organizations, focusing in particular on organizations working to advance progressive values and educational equity organizations wokring for social change, and have trained tens of thousands of individual leaders.
The Management Center provided Management training and coaching to over 200 section 501 c(3) organizations located across The country to help them more effectively accomplish their charitable missions. We also offered "Management 101" workshops to nonprofit leaders and published educational materials, including our book "managing to change The world; a free, online library of Management tools and resources; and a free e-newsletter sent to over 30,000 recipients every month. Founded in 2006, we have worked with over 1000 client organizations, focusing in particular on organizations working to advance progressive values and educational equity organizations working for social change, and have trained tens of thousands of individual leaders.
These fees are for consulting and training for 501(c)(3)organizations. As it is The exempt purpose of The Management Center to provide these services to 501(c)(3) organizations.
Sale of materials to 501(c)(3) organizations related to training and consulting services.
Miscellaneous income related to consulting and training for 501(c)(3) organizations.
Federal deferred tax benefit related to nol.