Program areas at The Martin Luther King Jr Center For Nonviolent Social Change
Community Services Community Services provides informative, innovative and impactful year-round programming designed to change the way individuals, organizations, governments, and corporations approach and address societal issues, implicit and unconscious biases, conflict, tension, violence, diversity and inclusion by providing a holistic means for responding in a nonviolent manner. We educate and train individuals and leaders across all sectors in our global community including corporate, government, sports, media, law enforcement, entertainment, healthcare, education, civic, social and faith-based organizations, on Dr. King's critical thinking and practical methods of nonviolent social change as a means and strategy to accelerate progress in social justice initiatives as well as personal and leadership development. The foundation our programming is based on Dr. King's Six Principles and Six Steps of Nonviolence, which we call Nonviolence365(NV365), as a means to building The Beloved Community.
Resource Center The Resource Center provides daily self-guided tours of exhibits, artifacts and other memorabilia related to Dr. & Mrs. King, Mahatma Gandhi and the civil rights movement. Additionally, the Resource Center houses the theatre where numerous programs are held throughout the year for the purpose of educating and training in Dr. King's philosophy/methodology; promoting civil & human rights issues; and hosting Beloved Community Talks. The Bookstore is the retail component of the Resource Center offering products in the form of books, CDs, DVDs, gift items and educational material about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King, civil & human rights and nonviolent social change.
Archival Services The King Center's archival services promote research, study, and dissemination of information documenting the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the American civil rights movement. Through reference activities, lectures, presentations, brochures, displays, and exhibits, the King Library and Archives provides unique historical and factual information. In an effort to make these invaluable resources more accesible to a wider audience, The King Center has embarked on extensive projects, preserving and making available a wealth of archival material through cutting-edge technology to effectively manage and organize these digitized assets, the Center has implented a state-of-the-art digital asset management system, ensuring the long-term preservation and easy retrieval of these essential resources. Futhermore, The King Center has embraced the power of online engagement, offering a range of captivating historical interactives and educational resources designed to enhance public engagement with archival resources. These digital initiatives allow visitors from around the globe to explore the rich history of the civil rights movement and Dr. King's transformative legacy, fostering a deeper understanding of the ongoing struggle for equality and social justice.