Program areas at The Medici Archive Project
Woman artists in The age of Medici program utilizes archival resources to uncover new documentation on women artists active during The 15th through The 19th centuries, especially if they had connections to florence. The lives and artwork of women artists are examined in tandem to gain insight into their experiences and their achievements. The program's findings are disseminated through publications, lectures, digital resources, and conference paper
Digital bronzini- a Project to harness htr technologies in order to give greater access to cristofano bronzini's treatise entitled on The dignity and nobility of women, an incomparable resource for recovering The history of women's contributions to civilization, and for understanding The role of civic discourse in social change during The early modern period. Comprising 36 tomes, it was written in florence and largely complete by The year 1622. Bronzini's titanic manuscript has been in The vault of The biblioteca nazionale centrale in florence ever since The dispersion of The palace library of The Medici grand dukes, yet it was not recorded in any catalog until The 1980s. The aim of this treatise is to argue for women's capacity to take part in The governing of The tuscan grand duchy, at that time under Medici rule. It does so by mustering legends, histories, and first-hand accounts of thousands of female exemplars of nearly every virtue and every intellectual field, with a coverage from antiquity to The writer's own era that embraces all known parts of The inhabited world.
Jewish studies program since its inception in 2013, staff and fellows of The eugene grant jewish history program at The Medici Archive Project (map) have been uncovering and valorizing over 2000 documents on jews and jewish culture from The Medici archives. These records, which are published online on map's digital portal (, describe both The everyday life and extraordinary events of jews in florence and around The world. In 2016, an even more important discovery was made: over two hundred manuscripts volumes detailing The foundation, development, and demolition of The florentine ghetto. This treasure trove comprises all The names of jews who have ever resided in The ghetto; The detailed blueprints of every single apartment; The records of every single professional activity that took place within and outside its walls; The mapping of jewish mercantile networks; The artistic, musical, and scientific production of florentine jews; and accounts on their legal vicissitudes as well as The preservation of jewish customs and religion.
Women's program- The Medici grand duchy (1537-1743) coincided with The first professionalization of women artists in italy. At The same time, a number of women artists worked outside of The professional sphere, including nuns and noblewomen. Established in 2010 by The late author and philanthropist dr. jane fortune, this research program has focused on women artists active during The fifteenth through The nineteenth centuries. In its ten years of activity, The program has been a fertile source of publications, lectures, digital resources, and conference papers. Many younger scholars have taken part in this quest by means of internships that provided training in archival research.
Art of negotio- inspired by The personal and public trajectories of The Medici family and The renaissance, The art of negozio Project was created by artur kluz with funding from kluz ventures. The Project envisions becoming The catalyst for a new generation of global leaders, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists to focus on and contribute to human flourishing. While we take inspiration from The past, we live for The future, while maintaining a moral obligation to protect tradition and to pass The flame of virtue to future generations.
Music program: since 2018, The music program at The Medici Archive Project in florence has been working to research, document, perform and publish hitherto unknown sacred works from c16th florence during The time of The Medici grand dukes. This period is of course famous for The extraordinary flourishing of The arts which took place, and yet while The great choral traditions of venice and rome are well celebrated, what about The city which had been The very epicentre of The renaissance itself, florence? The Medici Archive Project music program aims to find this out.
Book history: The "Medici and The book" program at The Medici Archive Project carefully analyzes The printers and bookshops in grand ducal tuscany (including jewish, women and protestant printers); The costs of printing and distributing books; The timing of distribution; private libraries; patronage and reception of books; second-hand book shops; pamphlet makers and cheap paper; issues relating to The translations of texts; mapmakers and genealogists; political and religious censorship; copyright issues; The book as diplomatic gift; The printed manuals for universities; and printed bandi (public announcements), passports, orations and price lists.