Program areas at The Mike Zimmer Foundation
Scholarshipsstudents submit an application, resume, and essay explaining how The money will help them towards their goals and how athletics have impacted their lives. Each student must be a senior graduating from a Minnesota high school in 2021, must have participated in a varsity sport in high school, be in academic standing with a 2.75 or higher gpa, must plan to attend an accredited college, university, or community college and must have participated in an extracurricular activity or volunteered in The community to be qualified.
Back to school backpacks: in 2021 The Mike Zimmer Foundation shopped, filled, and donated 500 backpacks with school supplies to The salvation army homeless units which included: backpack, lunchbox, spiral notebook, 2 pocket folders, ruler, washable markers, pencil bag, colored pencils, crayons, scissors, 2 glue sticks, pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener, and hand sanitizer.funding christmas for salvation army families: Mike Zimmer Foundation shopped and funded christmas for homeless families in The salvation army housing units using wish lists and personal needs. Items included everything from clothes, household items, toys, beds, bikes, and gift certificates.