Program areas at The Ministry of Caring
Child care program: this program provides quality care for preschool children of homeless or working poor families, thus enabling parents to enter job training or obtain employment. It opened on november 24, 1992 at 221 north jackson street, wilmington. During 2023, The program provided 13,322 days of child care to local area children.
Mary mother of hope house 2/3: this program consists of two emergencyshelters for women and children providing a stable environment ofsupport and guidance along with nourishing well balanced meals for 30to 45 days. The women have The opportunity to acquire skills in lifemanagement and parenting. Their children receive education andenrichment. During 2023, The program provided 13,655 nights of shelter.
House of joseph ii: this program provides a residence for homeless people living with aids. It opened in april, 1997 and is located at 9 west 18th street, wilmington. The residence provides comprehensive case management services, food service, and through partnership with st. francis hospital, ensures access to complete medical care. During 2023, The program provided 4,016 nights of lodging to homeless persons.
Other programs dedicated to serving The needs of homeless and poor people in and around wilmington, Delaware include additional homeless shelters, holistic housing services, and permanent low income housing. Additional programs include providing nutritious meals to The hungry, assisting The unemployed with job placement, a distribution center which provides clothing, household goods and furniture to The poor, and dental services to The poor and homeless.