Program areas at The Montessori Foundation
Management services are provided to The Montessori international council which is a professional organization promoting Montessori schools and The new gate school. The new gate school is an independent, non-profit, international, college-preperatory Montessori school in sarasota Florida. Their goal is to nurture intelligence, curiosity, and imagination while supporting and developing each students unique talents, preparing them for university and life. The Foundation has advanced significant funds to The new gate school which are repaid periodically.
Workshops, consortiums, and online courses for Montessori school administrators and board members. Conferences for Montessori educators explore specific strategies for teaching children self-esteem, universal values(honesty, kindness, compassion, nonviolence, moral courage, etc. ),global understanding, and lifelong tradition of charity and community service. Ders & mefs consortium memberships provide members with training and assessment tools to improve classroom quality and student outcomes.
Other program services include hard to find books about Montessori education made available to parents, educators, and The general public. The Montessori way was written to provide a clear and comprehensive introduction to Montessori as it has been practiced in Montessori schools. Montessori 101 is a 72 page publicaton that introduces Montessori to The parent new to The program and covers The theory, history, basic program, child development theory and curriculm for Montessori from infants through secondary programs. The pamplet series is made up of a dozen or so full color trifold pamphlets, each addressing a specific issue of interest to parents about Montessori education. Consultation services in a wide range of areas of school operations, a resource library, and phone consultation services. Also provide parents with information on Montessori education through The website, videos, phone and email.
Publications and subscriptions - publication of tomorrows child, a magazine that seeks to explain and promote issues and trends in Montessori education to The parents of students enrolled in Montessori schools and to The general public.