Program areas at The Mustard Seed Thrift on Mission
Brick & mortar store front - The Mustard Seed maintains 2 critical storefronts and had 74,681 customers and 37,919 donors serviced in fy2023. Each of our customers and donors represented a opportunity to educateand talk about our Mission: to support christian organizations that assist with healing and/orprevention of childhood sexual abuse, and to be a gateway for survivors to access resources tofacilitate healing. The educational component of our Mission is extremely important, as it setsthe stage for The Mustard Seed to be a safe and acceptable place for our community to reachout for The help that they did not know was available to them. Because The topic of childhoodsexual abuse is talked about regularly in The store, we are making significant headway to destigmatizethe silence that often follows a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and can ultimatelyprevent them from receiving healing.
Education - The Mustard Seed partnered with new albany floyd county school system, jeffersonville highschool, silver creek schools, christian academy of Indiana, providence high school, ivy techcommunity college, Indiana university southeast, southeast christian women's bible studygroups, and numerous other churches to provide volunteer opportunities for our community.each one of these organizations welcomed The educational opportunities provided by themustard Seed to teach their volunteers and staffs about our Mission and how to direct peoplewho have survived childhood sexual abuse to much needed resources. We completed 17speaking engagements at local events about our Mission, childhood sexual abuse, andavailable resources.
Benevolence - The Mustard Seed has been The "gateway to healing and The point of contact for 70 referrals toagencies that delivered direct services in fy2023. A total of $81,453 was contributed to soarministries, of which $11,563 was direct support of professional counseling sessions; $7,000 wascontributed to ceiba vida; $6,000 was contributed to p.u.r.e, and $5,502 for allenderprograms. Direct services were provided by Mustard Seed staff in The form of a mediacampaign, website, brochures, and public speaking engagements. Significant attention isdirected to The store environment and hospitality where survivors can find a safe place to comeand get The help they need.