Program areas at The Neighborhood Developers
Rental properties - The rental properties through 2021, tnd owned and managed 611 residential apartments that provide an affordable home for low-and-moderate-income individuals and families. A third party vendor, winn residential, provides property management services on our behalf and works closely with tnd's resident services and asset management teams to ensure that our properties provide residents with a high-quality affordable home. Tnd's properties also include eight commercial spaces, providing affordable rents for chelsea businesses.
Real estate development - The real estate development program produces and preserves affordable and mixed income multi-family rental properties and homes for sale. The homes that tnd produces primarily benefit low-income households earning 60% or less of The area median income. Tnd has a goal to build or preserve 325 homes between 2020 and 2024. Through 2022, tnd has produced 193 homes and has 166 more homes in development.
Connect - The connect program supports low-income individuals and families to stabilize, manage, and grow their household income through financial capability, workforce development, and housing and income stabilization programming. In 2020, within two weeks of The state's pandemic closure, connect launched a new resource hotline to help those that lost work to access unemployment support, snap food benefits, and rental assistance. The hotline now covers rental and utility assistance, workforce development, mass health, snap and free tax preparation. We also offer financial coaching and financial education.
Community building - The community building program fosters community leadership and supports community members to have a decisive voice in shaping The future of our communities.
Resident services - The resident services program is dedicated to ensuring housing stability, health and wellness of The 1,110 low-income residents of tnd's multi-family properties. Resident services included meal and grocery deliveries, wellness calls, housing stability counseling, financial capability training, community building programming, and elder and family support services.
Asset management - for tnd's residential and commercial property portfolio, The asset management program provides property portfolio management: maintenance, repair and improvements of buildings; financial management of operating properties; and compliance with all regulatory and investor requirements.