Program areas at The Niskanen Center
The social policy team engages in policy research and development focusing on family economic security, employment, economic development, healthcare, and housing through a supply-side lens. Using advocacy and public policy reform strategies that cut across partisan lines, they promote ideas and arguments that help ensure public policy innovations benefit children, their families, and The american economy.
Niskanen's legal work encompasses litigation, participation in administrative proceedings, commenting on proposed regulations, formulating legislative proposals, and writing on pressing energy issues. We hold government leaders, agencies, and large corporations accountable for a just energy transition by advocating for fair, market-driven energy development. Our legal team has worked on many cases concerning gas markets, climate, and eminent domain law.
The climate policy division is dedicated to innovating market-based solutions to environmental challenges. Primary work focus is production of original research from sophisticated policy experts and educational programming to promulgate that research.
Various other programs including immigration, open society, criminal justice, captured economy and direct lobbying.