Program areas at The Parenting Network
Parenting education and support - to strengthen Parenting and to prevent child abuse has been The mission of The Parenting Network since our founding in 1976. We believe that every child deserves to grow up in a safe, stable & nurturing environment. Every year, we support and educate over 8,000 parents, caregivers, individuals and families through community engagement, in-school programming, and in-home support. Our programs and services provide education and services to prevent and end The cycle of abuse. We teach classes, provide a 24 hour hotline for support, and offer other programs throughout The year. We empower our clients to nurture children in a healthy way and learn life skills that can teach new behaviors that can stop The cycle of abuse through The lens of trauma informed care. We focus on research based protective factors that are present in healthy families. In addition to serving current parents and caregivers, we also provide education to The youth through teen pregnancy prevention and support to educate them about healthy relationships.
By engaging fathers we hope to strengthen our community by increasing a father's awareness of his essential role in his family. All classes use evidence-based curriculum and are conducted by a trained facilitator. We hold saturday "dad matters" classes.
Youth services - provides evidence-based programs that empower youth in schools or other group settings to make healthy choices.
Fatherhood - dad matters 24/7, a weekly group for community dads, and insideout dad, for incarcerated dads, give dads The tools and information they need to be involved, responsible, and committed in The lives of their children.
Parent helpline - confidential 24 hour phone line that provides counseling for parents and other child caregivers. Counselors will listen, share information, give encouragement and offer Parenting techniques, child development information and referrals to a wide range of community resources.
Parent cafes - cafes are located throughout The city in three neighborhoods: metcalfe park, harambee and muskego way. Each site offers a place to build friendships, learn about The community, discover resources and share ideas about strengthening families.recast - resilency in communities after stress & trauma funding through The substance abuse and mental health services administration - funds are used to provide The parent cafe program in The metcalfe park, muskego way, and harambee neighborhoods. Parent cafe's strengthen families by connecting caregivers with a support Network that increases their resilience to stress, connects them to resources, and builds relationships and prevents family isolation, a risk factor for abuse and neglect.