Program areas at The Phi Beta Kappa Society
The american scholar: The american scholar is Phi Beta Kappa's quarterly publication, with a circulation to The general public. The current circulation is 20,943 (19,473 active subscriptions, 618 newsstand sales and 795 free/nominal rate distribution). The publication presents articles on subjects of broad interest, current affairs, cultural affairs, philosophy, science and arts.
Visiting scholar program: The visiting scholar program invites eminent scholars to undertake a series of visits to colleges and universities with Phi Beta Kappa chapters, contributing to The intellectual life of The campus by making possible The exchange of ideas between distinguished visiting scholars, The resident faculty and students.
National arts and sciences initiative: Phi Beta Kappa's national arts and sciences initiative engages members across The country to communicate The value of liberal arts and sciences, advocates for policies that strengthen higher education, and awards The key into public service scholarship, along with training and mentoring, to promising liberal arts and sciences majors pursuing government service.
Chapter services: The Phi Beta Kappa chapters indust into The Society The best and brightest liberal arts and sciences undergraduates from 290+ college and university campuses across The nation. During The year ended july 31, 2023, nearly 20,000 new students were inducted.
The key reporter: The key reporter is a newsletter that is mailed to members on a quarterly basis and keeps them informed about current Phi Beta Kappa activities.
Association services: community based groups of members are formed to provide programs of cultural and intellectual interest to their members and to promote student achievement in high schools, colleges, and graduate programs.
Awards, fellowships and scholarships: academic awards consist of several endowed fellowship and award programs. Book awards are given annually to three outstanding scholarly books drawn from The fields of The humanities, The social sciences, The natural sciences and mathematics. They must be of broad interest and accessible to The general, literate reader.
Triennial council: The triennial council is The legistlative body of Phi Beta Kappa that convenes every three years to conduct Phi Beta Kappa business. The most recent triennial council was held in august 2021, during The year ended july 31, 2022.