Program areas at The Prasad Project
Constituent educationconstituent education is an educational program with The goal of enlightening and educating The public about The activities and needs in The communities that we serve. The program provides print as well as electronic newsletters, produces new videos about The programs, and makes website updates throughout The year. Prasad also supports its licensees by providing guidance and communication materials for fundraising.
Prasad chikitsa, indiawe have continued our efforts to enhance quality of life while fostering economic improvement for long-term sustainability in The tansa valley in india. Among other initiatives, The mobile hospital and health center completed 45,000 general and specialized medical visits, and The eye clinic performed 426 cataract surgeries. The nutrition program delivered 56,900 nutritional servings to support malnourished infants and pregnant mothers. Additionally, we provided 500 water filters to enhance access to clean water. Prasad chikitsa distributed 22,636 fruit and shade tree saplings, which contribute to food security and environmental restoration. We also provided 13,000 floriculture saplings to local farmers. Our efforts have increased community engagement, particularly through The self-help groups that empower approximately 3,000 women.
Prasad children's dental health programfor 25 years, The Prasad children's dental health program has played a pivotal role in enhancing The oral health of children in sullivan county, new york, by providing comprehensive dental care services and health education in schools. Our services are delivered through a mobile dental clinic.we primarily focus on children from low-income families who face barriers to receiving dental care. In 2023, The Prasad cdhp dental clinic completed 933 visits and conducted 3,460 dental procedures. Additionally, we provided in-person dental health education classes to 3,660 students in schools.
Prasad de mexicoin 2023, The Prasad de mexico volunteer team organized four successful eye camps, where 671 children and adults received free eye surgeries for cataracts and strabismus (crossed eyes).