Program areas at TPRF
PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAM In 2022 over 1700 workshops were held that reached over 73,000 participants The content includes thems of Peace, Apprciation, Inner Strength, Clarity, Self-Awaremness, Understanding, Choice Hope, and Contenment. Started Since 2012, this program has been presented in over 70 countries with proven results. 80% of the PEP are held in schools or correctional institutions showing remarkable value to partipants
FOOD FOR PEOPLE PROGRAM In 2022, TPRF's Food for People program served 736,684 hot, nutritous meals to children, the sick and elderly. This prorgram (FFP) helps people break out of the cycle of poverty. Three FFP facilities are in operation: on in India, one in Nepal and one in Ghana. All three continue to be attuned to the communities they serve, offering additional support as possible.
HUMANITARIAN AID in 2022 included 14 Grants totaling $605,262 These include $400,000 to provide aid to and shelter to Ukrain refugees; over $48,000 to provide aid for victims of torrential flooding in Durban, South Africa; $100,000 to provide aid for devasting floods in Pakistant, as well as aid for homeless people in Brazil, and urban gardenes in Ecuador and for people suffering from severe hunger in Sri Lanka.
Peace Initiatives $858,760 Peace Programs, Venues, Outreach and Media Development with Research & Development