EIN 95-3298239

The Reason Foundation

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including individual liberty, free markets, and The rule of law.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at The Reason Foundation

Promoting free minds and free markets since 1968- 11 issues published online and in print- more than 1,500 online exclusive articles - 52,000 paid/requested copies - average of 3 million user visits per month at reason.com - specialized online newsletters on government overreach, economics, urban policy, media, and breaking news
"promoting free minds and free markets through online video journalism.- 466 videos produced- average of 5,120,000 videos played each monthpodcastsreason produces multiple podcasts including; The Reason roundtable, a weekly discussion of The week's biggest stories and their connection to The ideas of free minds and free markets; The Reason interview with nick gillespie, a weekly conversation with innovative and interesting thinkers from a variety of disciplines; and The monthly soho forum debates, featuring public intellectuals facing off over controversial issues. A newly added podcast, The best of Reason magazine, uses ai to simulate editor-in-chief katherine mangu-ward reading a weekly selection from Reason - average of 530,000 downloads per month
Reason works with motivated policymakers to develop and implement market-based reforms that are a model for reform-minded policymakers at all levels of government. Our pension integrity project educates policymakers and taxpayers on pension reform. We produced five major technical analyses that focus on The solvency of public employee retirement systems in Arizona, north carolina, new mexico, Mississippi, and Arkansas, as well as policy briefs that address reduced public safety budgets, volatile investment returns, and The impact of covid-19 on public pensions. We educated legislators in those states via studies, direct outreach, and more than 70 topical commentaries. Drawing on decades of research on The benefits of school choice, Reason's education team is a leading voice in promoting new models such as microschools, online charters, backpack funding, and other options that encourage student achievement and advance The freedom to innovate in education. We are advising policymakers and allies in more than 20 states on virtual schooling, school finance, and safety. Our transportation team is assessing The changes that The pandemic has made in transportation usage, calling for greater decentralization and a reevaluation of heavily subsidized transit projects. Reason's drug policy team is helping states better understand potential pitfalls in regulating legal recreational cannabis markets and providing support to policymakers seeking to fix The challenges of legalization.
Reason Foundation publishes research and journalism and engages in educational outreach from a libertarian perspective to policymakers, relevant stakeholders, and The general public.- 21,000 articles citing Reason experts- 3,200 media appearances by Reason experts- 77 legislative testimonies- 33 policy studies- 200 policy commentaries and op-eds- 11 surface transportation innovations newsletters & air security newsletters- 11 air traffic control newsletters- 12 pension reform newsletters- 12 funding education opportunity newsletters- 4 Reason report donor newsletters

Grants made by The Reason Foundation

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Equable InstituteJoint Work on Projects Related To Public Sector Debt$280,000
Florida Policy ProjectFiscally Sponsored Project Achieved 501c3 Status$75,602

Who funds The Reason Foundation

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Donors TrustFor General Operations$5,209,585
Vanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramFor Recipient's Exempt Purpose$2,075,582
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift FundFor Grant Recipient's Exempt Purposes$909,650
...and 87 more grants received totalling $13,479,575

Personnel at The Reason Foundation

Jonathan GraffChief Financial Officer$213,402
Katherine Mangu-WardBoard Member$216,667
Christopher MitchellDirector of Communications$138,077
Robert W. Poole, Jr.Board Member$230,833
Jacqueline PykeDirector of Development$156,000
...and 7 more key personnel

Financials for The Reason Foundation

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$13,818,095
Program services$1,003,629
Investment income and dividends$355,271
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$159,682
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$120,270
Total revenues$15,456,947

Form 990s for The Reason Foundation

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-02-08990View PDF
2022-092023-02-10990View PDF
2021-092022-02-14990View PDF
2020-092021-04-12990View PDF
2019-092020-08-27990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s

Organizations like The Reason Foundation

Prosperity NowWashington, DC$20,410,607
Community InitiativesOakland, CA$59,435,734
PolicyLinkOakland, CA$66,499,230
Center for Rural Affairs (CFRA)Lyons, NE$7,387,243
Regional Plan AssociationNew York, NY$6,265,077
Competitive Enterprise InstituteWashington, DC$10,125,447
Working America Education FundWashington, DC$8,378,435
Education TrustWashington, DC$33,115,919
America First Policy InstituteFort Worth, TX$23,618,246
Code OrgSeattle, WA$33,251,623
Data update history
November 24, 2024
Received grants
Identified 7 new grant, including a grant for $200,000 from The Chicago Community Trust
August 25, 2024
Received grants
Identified 22 new grant, including a grant for $220,000 from Andrew Foundation
June 4, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
May 20, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 3 new vendors, including , , and
May 18, 2024
Received grants
Identified 2 new grant, including a grant for $100,000 from The Fourten Foundation
Nonprofit Types
Corporate foundationsSocial advocacy organizationsBusiness and community development organizationsCharities
EducationCommunity improvement
Political advocacyLobbyingNational levelEndowed supportGala fundraisersTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
5737 Mesmer Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90230
Metro area
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
Los Angeles County, CA
Website URL
(310) 740-8579
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
S00: Community Improvement, Capacity Building: General
NAICS code, primary
813319: Social Advocacy Organizations
Parent/child status
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
May Operate or Solicit for Charitable Purposes
Charity Registration status
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
FTB Entity ID
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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