Program areas at TRCAC
The Resource Connection child care Resource and referral (ccr&r) program assists parents in making child care decisions that best meet their family and children's individual needs. Parents receive free referrals to licensed child care homes and centers in Amador and Calaveras Counties. The ccr&r works to build and support The delivery of high-quality child-care services in diverse settings throughout The service area by providing community education, child care provider recruitment, training, and support for new and existing child care programs. To help parents afford The high cost of child care The alternative payment program provides vouchers to income-eligible parents with a qualifying need at The type of child care arrangement that best suits their needs. We administer The California alternative payment program and calworks child care programs which The California department of social services funds. This past year, The most significant change was The waiver of family fees, The allocation amendment for more child care slots in The California alternative payment program, and continued child care support through The child care initiative project funding. The ccr&r has provided advocacy and information on issues affecting families, child development, and child care for over 41 years. The program promotes community awareness, supports policy and planning, and participates in collaborations and community events related to children and families. Additionally, The program provides information and referrals to support family strengthening and engagement, such as parent education, child development, health and nutrition, housing, legal assistance, and child-parent activities. Through The subsidy programs, The agency served 832 children and 470 families in The fiscal year ending june 30, 2023. Staff calculated 6,646 provider payments, and trc paid over $3.4 million in child care subsidies. In The Resource and referral program last fiscal year, we assisted families with 3,957 child care referrals for 1,629 children. Technical assistance, training, and referrals were available to 33 child care centers, 50 family child care homes, 12 license-exempt centers, and 82 family, friend, and neighbor license-exempt providers. Our program offered 70 hours of professional growth training to child care business owners and staff, including home studies. Staff assisted seven new family child care providers in getting their license and business operating and two family child care providers transitioning from small to large capacity. The program also provided information, community resources, and referrals to 38,244 community members, families, partner agencies, and early learning providers.
Food bank program - The Resource Connection food bank provides food and resources to low-income families living in Calaveras county. We believe strongly in The health of our community and having access to healthy food is important. Currently, 35% of The food we provide is a variety of fresh produce. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy food is available throughout our county and we have several strategies to accomplish this. We partner with 9 faith-based and community pantries who provide food in many outlying areas of our community. We take food out into The very remote areas of our community through our own mobile pantry project - our mobile pantry goes to west point, railroad flat and copperopolis. We provide usda commodity food one time per month at eight sites throughout The county. In addition to our regular food distributions, from june through september, we distribute fresh produce in a farmer's market style once a month at The food bank. We distributed 1,069,939 pounds of food to 14% of The population living in Calaveras county including one in five children. We also provide resources for many other services available to The families and individuals we serve.
Early childhood programs -The Resource Connection early childhood programs offers a variety of comprehensive early education programs for children birth to age 5. These programs primarily serve families living at or below The federal poverty line and/or have a qualifying need. These programs include early head start center-based program for children 3 months to 3 years of age, and head start center-based program for children age 3 to 5 years old, and a locally designed home-visiting program serving prenatal moms to children 3 years of age. The focus in all of these programs is on The "whole child" while engaging their families as well. The Resource Connection offers part year and full year options. Head start provides center-based services to 136 preschool aged children (3-5 years old) that were enrolled, dropped or completed The program from july 1 2022 through june 30 2023. Early head start provides infant/toddler services through center-based, and home visiting. Early head start center-based served 30 children and early head start home base served 50 children that were enrolled, dropped or completed from july 1 2022 through june 30 2023. The Resource Connection early childhood programs also receives funding through first 5 Calaveras to provide a raising a reader (literacy based) home visiting program to families with children up to age 5 and do not qualify for head start/early head start programs. A total of 16 families received services from july 1 2022 to june 30 2023.
Intervention and prevention program - The Resource Connection Calaveras crisis center provides shelter, peer and licensed counseling, advocacy, restraining order assistance, criminal justice support, court accompaniment services and hospital response for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and personal safety as well as violence prevention education for school aged children in Calaveras county. Rental assistance is available for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse. The Resource Connection children's advocacy center provides forensic interviewing services, criminal justice advocacy and education, multi-disciplinary case management and licensed counseling services for child victims of provided during The past year include:the Calaveras children's advocacy center served 196 child victims of crime, 51 of which also received forensic interviews in order to gather evidence in preparation for prosecution of those crimes. 140 received no cost therapeutic services.the Calaveras crisis center provided assistance to 420 individuals who were experiencing domestic violence, 54 of those received shelter services. of The 420 individuals who received services 45 were adult males and 138 were children.the Calaveras crisis center provided assistance to 145 individuals who had experienced sexual assault. of those 15 were adult males. The Calaveras crisis center provided rental assistance for 29 individuals who had experienced domestic violence, sexual assault and/or elder abuse
The special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children - better known as The wic program is a federally funded program that serves to safe guard The health of low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating including breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to health care. Fathers, grandparents, and foster parents may also be eligible to enroll children under The age of five. Wic also provides breast pumps to breastfeeding mothers who qualify. The Resource Connection wic program also offers a breastfeeding peer counseling program. Once enrolled into our wic's peer counseling program, breastfeeding mothers will have free access to peer support and an international board-certified lactation consultant. Average number of participants served in a 6-month period (april 2023 - september 2023) = 1041/month.$60/value wic food package into local economy each month = $62,460 /month.wic site locations include, Amador county - ione, jackson, pioneer, plymouth, sutter creek.calaveras county - angels camp, arnold, copperoppolis, murphys, san andreas, valley springs, west point.wic is an equal opportunity provider.
The Resource Connection is also supported by The community's generous donations. These funds are used to pay for necessary items that restricted grant funding cannot pay for. Such expenses include but are not limited to volunteer training, staff training, administrative expenses, food for clients, equipment maintenance/repairs, shelter repairs and supplies (ie: paper products, luggage, haircuts, help with storage costs), christmas gifts/meals for shelter residents, insurance, medical exams for child victims of crime, client transportation for those fleeing violence, medical services for adult clients, help with client utility bills, services for pets of our shelter residents (ie: veterinary care, food) and dental work for child victims