Program areas at The Resurgens Charitable Foundation
Donation of funds to The devereux Foundation
Donation of funds to north metro miracle league
Donation of funds to wheelchairs 4 kids
Donation of funds to Georgia ballett
Donation of funds to families of children under stress
Donation of funds to haven academy
Donation of funds to southwestern christian care
Donation of funds to sunrise day camp association, Inc.
Donation of funds to camp dream Foundation Inc.
Donation of funds to paralyzed veterans of america
Donation of funds to blazesports america
Donation of funds to catalyst sports, Inc.
Donation of funds to adult disability medical healthcare program
Donation of funds to healing4heroes
Donation of funds to kyle pease Foundation, Inc.
Donation of funds to taylor made Foundation
Donation of funds to mental fitness 21st century learning
Donation of funds to great prospects, Inc.
Donation of funds to park pride, Inc.
Donation of funds to operation appreciation
Donation of funds to aethritis Foundation, Inc.
Donation of funds to spectrum autism support
Donation of funds to Georgia special olympics
Donation of funds to georiga Foundation for agriculture
John garrett award