Program areas at The Retreat
Counseling services are offered at our shelter and non-shelter locations in east hampton, riverhead and southampton. All counselors are licensed professionals. Individual and group counseling is provided for adults and children. Short-term goals help clients take control of their lives and make positive changes without guilt. Long-term counseling provides a setting for healing, and group counseling combines education about abuse with mutual support. Clients receive information on safety planning, healthy relationships, parenting, the effect of violence on children, planning a healthy future and empowerment. Counseling services are available in both english and manager in 2018, the Retreat received funding for a case manager specific to working with our non-residential clients. Case management services provide clients with continuous assistance regarding community resources, beyond their scheduled counseling appointments so that clients can address emergency needs as they arise without waiting for their next counseling session. Case management services are provided primarily in our riverhead office, but the case manager is also accessible to clients receiving services in our east hampton office. Our new case manager is fluent in four languages, english, spanish, french and creole.
The Retreat operates a 24-hour Emergency Shelter that provides safe housing, food, clothing, child care, and case management (including medical andhousing) for adults and children who have been victims of domestic violence and may be in imminent danger. Our shelter provides safe housing for a maximum of 90 days to survivors and their children. In certain instances, clients can be granted up to two 45 day extensions. Services are available to victims who have fled an abusive situation. There is 24-hour staffing at the shelter. Security cameras and a security gate are in place to protect clients. While staying at the shelter, clients have access to counseling, court advocates and legal support, educational programs, housing assistance, help in obtaining public assistance and transportation.
The fatherhood initiative program is a collaborative program to assist low-income, at-risk fathers intended to prevent incidences of family/domestic abuse and overcome challenges that inhibit men from being a responsible father to their children and positive support to their intimate partner/wives. The program targets men who are fathers of at least one minor child, Suffolk County resident and is at least 18 years old. Many of these men are faced with challenges such as unemployment and/or living below poverty level and most are struggling with a) developing or maintaining healthy relationships with their children and intimate partner/wives b) learning how to parent or co-parent effectively and c) being able to support themselves and their families financially.