Program areas at The Right Place
People / talent initiatives - aspire to be a region where everyone can achieve their highest potential. The Right Place team works toward this aspiration by strategizing with regional talent partners, leveraging our business network to amplify best practices, and benchmark area talent development, retention, and attraction efforts. Provide opportunities for various stakeholders - companies across industries, community - based organizations & programs, k-12, postsecondary institutions, and others to collarborate to attract, recruit, and retain talent in an inclusive environment where all belong and flourish in west Michigan.
Prosperity / Michigan manufacturing technology center - west: through consulting, user groups, councils and training, The center - west works to assist manufacturers to improve The way they work, improve, and grow through assisting with The development of leadership, processes, systems, and The use of technology.
Prosperity / business development - performs economic development work for a regional collaborative of eight counties in The greater grand rapids region. The team drives strategic, long term economic prosperity for The region through business retention, expansion and attraction efforts.