Program areas at The Senior Source
Elder financial safety center - The elder financial safety center is a collaboration between The Senior Source, The Dallas county d.a. 's office and The probate courts to ensure The financial safety of older adults through prevention, prosecution and protection services. The Senior Source provides The prevention services through The elder financial safety center. 6,581 individuals received prevention services in The areas of insurance counseling, financial counseling, consumer credit counseling, employment, money management and financial support. Additionally, more than 10,000 individuals were educated on The services of The elder financial safety center, frauds and scams prevention and recovery, and ensuring financial security. 53% of clients receiving prevention services increased their income or decreased their expenses with a total financial impact of $8.77m.
Foster grandparent program - 104 low-income older adults in Dallas and collin counties typically serve 15 to 40 hours a week with special needs children at day care centers serving children with special needs and medical care facilities providing more than 65,000 hours of special attention. Children with exceptional needs benefit from The attention of The foster grandparents, and The lives of The grandparent volunteers are enriched in knowing they are needed and can make a difference in The lives of The children. 98% of volunteers felt an increased sense of purpose as volunteers.
Long term care ombudsman program - nursing home and assisted living facility residents in Dallas county received information and needed assistance from certified ombudsman staff and volunteers in 79 nursing homes and 197 assisted living facilities. Ombudsmen adressed 1,283 complaints related to staffing shortages, substandard care, unanswered call buttons, medication mismanagement, unsanitary conditions, and other critical issues. Staff and volunteer ombudsman worked withresidents, facility staff and families to resolve complaints received. Ombudsman were able to resolve 84% of The complaints to The resident's complete satisfaction, exceeding The national goal of 70% of complaint resolution. Additionally, 2,510 friendly visitor volunteers brought The community into nursing homes through individual visitation, group parties, and other social activities to reduce The isolation and loneliness residents experience.
Guardianship program - incapacitated elderly received legal guardianship services after becoming legally incapacitated by The Dallas county probate courts. Certified guardianship case managers may provide direct service to clients in Dallas, collin, denton, hunt, rockwall, and kaufman counties to protect vulnerable elderly from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Guardianship case managers were accountable to and for their clients at all times and carried work cell phones 24/7. 100% of guardianship clients were monitored by The Dallas county probate courts or The heath and human services commission of The state of Texas, and all were granted continuance based on The quality of care clients received.
Senior companion program - 65 low-income Senior companions in Dallas and collin counties provided virtual and in-person assistance to 417 frail elderly individuals. Companions serving virtually made supportive calls and delivered meals on wheels, those serving in person can accompany clients to medical appointments and The grocery store, assist with respite care, prepare meals, as well as provide needed companionship. 88% of voluneers increased their sense of purpose and 79% experienced a decrease in loneliness and isolation through these volunteer activities.
Caregiver support program - 2,254 older adults and family caregivers received supportive counseling, information and resources to help navigate The challenges of aging and caring for aging loved ones. 82% of caregivers reported a decrease in stress after connecting with The program and trained staff. The program also facilitates multiple caregiving seminars and support groups in english and spanish each year.
Retired and Senior volunteer program - 318 rsvp members in Dallas and collin counties volunteered with 27 nonprofit organizations, hospitals, and schools, expanding The reach and impact of these organizations. Volunteers served virtually and in-person, including serving as tutors and mentors, working as Senior medicare fraud patrol teams, helping at food banks and pantries, assisting with disaster preparedness, and building ramps and providing minor home repair for The elderly and disabled. Rsvp volunteers provided 25,248 hours of service wort $845,555.52, according to independent sector, to these local organizations. With this support, local organizations were able to expand capacity and better meet The needs of The community.
Age - advocacy group for elders - The age program educated 1,884 individuals on issues that affect older adults, including better protections for nursing home residents and stronger elder financial abuse laws, as well as key city services for older adults. Presentations and advocacy alerts were shared regarding efforts impacting older adults, as well as stronger elder financial abuse laws, and federal advocacy to create staffing ratios in nursing homes and funding for adult protective services. 305 advocates contacted elected officials about key issues. The major local advocacy successes were: maintaining city of Dallas' funding for older adults, including transportation and dental assistance and addititional funding for a age-friendly officer and 1.7m increase in Senior home repair funds. Federal advocacy successes included staffing ratios for nursing homes and funding for americorps seniors programs.