Program areas at The Shield Institute
Education services / school programs: provided to over 420 students. Preschool program provides multidisciplinary evaluations, monolingual and bilingual special education and related services to children, ages 3 to 5 in a child centered classroom setting. Specialized instruction for children who display characteristics on The autism spectrum include structured teaching, aided language, and pecs. Preschool also includes integrated classes that provide an opportunity for children with special needs to learn and play with typically developing children. Also, our school age program provides special education programming, person centered planning, speech, counseling, occupational and physical therapy to children ages 6 to 21 who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability.
Clinic & other funding sources: provided to over 2000 children and adults with developmental delay/disabilities. Services provided include psychological, social work, speech, rehabilitative counseling, occupational, physical therapy and nutritional counseling to individuals and groups. Specialty services include augmentative communication, evaluation and treatment, eating and swallowing evaluation and treatment and psychosexual assessment and treatment.
Day habilitation / vocational services: full time adult day and supplemental evening programs serving over 500 clients where we provide support for a variety of group and individual interest and life goals. Center based and community activities provide life experiences to enhance opportunity, independence and inclusion in The communities. Saturday services provide enhanced opportunities for socialization, recreation and community inclusion. Supplemental services are provided for individuals who are involved in other day activities to enhance their ability to participate in The community. Also, part-time services are available for adolescents/young adults who are aging out of school services to support in their transition to adult life.