Program areas at The Shrine of Christ's Passion
The Shrine of christ's passion is an interactive winding pathway (prayer trail) through the passions of christ as depicted in the stations of the cross. The Shrine's mission is to provide a prayerful environment where all people can open their hearts to the journey of christ's passion and draw closer to the lord. The Shrine welcomes over 200,000 visitors each year. In 2022, the family plaza, our lady of guadalupe plaza and gift shoppe were opened to offer visitors additional opportunites to meditate, pray, and feel closer to the lord.
Store serves as a visitor's center for the Shrine and has
A large selection of religious and inspirational books and
Gift items which contribute to providing a prayerful
Environment and enhance the experience of the prayer trail
Through the passion of christ as depicted in the stations
Of the cross. In 2022 our lady of guadalupe gift shoppe
Was opened in the our lady of guadalupe plaza to further
Enhance the visitors' experiences.