Program areas at The Source / Life Choices Medical Clinic
Medical services - a total of 4,754 patients received Medical care at Life choices/the source during 2019. There were 785 pregnancy tests, 454 ob ultrasounds,1,878 std/sti screenings and treatments, 1,353 patients that received comprehensive health care and 284 prenatal appointments. We also provide any lab work needed to properly diagnose Medical conditions, such as,diabetes, hyertension, high cholesterol, thyroid function, etc. Any patient found with a condition beyond our capability to treat, the patient is referred to a specialist in the community. Our goal is to ensure our patients receive the best health care available and to touch each Life with christ's love.
Education classes - there were 446 patients who attended educational classes during 2019. These classes give our patients the skills they need to be better parents and make better Choices for their families. Classes include fatherhood, parenting, nutrition, cpr and home safety, breastfeeding and child development. We also offer abortion recovery classes to women and men who have had a past abortion and are hurting emotionally and physically. All of our classes offer our patients hope, help and a sense of wellbeing so that they can take care of their families with confidence.
Counseling services - there were 4,518 patients who received counseling at Life Choices/ the source during 2019. Peer counselors are utilized for topics on pregnancy, prenatal care, parenting, healthy lifestyles and home safety. Staff professional counselors provide services to our patients who need more complex counseling to ensure emotional stability. Our goal is to provide support through counseling to our patients, so they can make better and healthier decisions for themselves and their families.
Maps - our material assistance program offers help to our families who decide to carry their pregnancy to term and parent. We will help with diapers, wipes, baby food and clothing for as long as they need assistance, usually 3-5 years. Also new moms receive a layette in her 8th month of pregnancy. The layette is filled with essentials she will need to care for her newborn baby with items such as blankets, onesies, sleepers, clothing, diapers, wipes, books, pacifiers, toys and personal hygiene items. This gives the new mom a head start on caring for her baby and we will continue to help her all along the way as her baby grows. Parents enrolled in our maps program also gain knowledge on subjects they need to be the best parent possible and in return for attending their appointments they are rewarded with "baby bucks" which they can exchange for baby items they need. It's a win-win for everyone also, in 2018, we expanded our maps and classes to the east side of san antonio where the poverty rate is extremely high with the community. This addition gives the residents in that area more confidence and knowledge to take care of their families and they feel more equipped with the education classes they attend. It helps them know that they are not alone and that someone believes in them and will be there with the tools they need to live their best Life. Spiritual counseling - Life choices/the soure treats the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Life choices/the source understands that people will do better in Life if their spiritual Life is taken care of. That is why we offer spiritual counseling to our patients who desire to learn god's word or just wantsomeone to pray for them. Life is difficult, and everyone needs someone they can rely on to be there with a kind word, an open heart and the willingness to offer up a prayer. That's what our counselors do everyday at Life Choices. Making sure our patients' spiritual Life is as healthy as possible goes a long way in preventing future health problems, and our patients are so grateful that we are here to walk with them through this journey to give them the best chance for good health in body, mind and spirit. Community referrals - since we can't be all things to all people, we partner with other organizations in our community to refer our patients to when they need something more than we can provide. Things like dental care, housing, legal assistance, child care, transportation and food are things that our patients regularly need, and we want to make sure their needs are met. In utilizing other organizations, our patients get specialized help in many areas of Life to make sure they can look after their families whil becoming self sufficient.