Program areas at Source of Synergy Foundation
Holomovement: 80 visiomaries gathered in Sedona, AZ March 23-27, 2023 with one purpose: Igniting the Holomovement. They came from four continents to follow the evolutionary impulse to seed the future of a vibrant, living Holomovement to address the challenges and opportunities facing todays worl. Igniting the Holomovement was co-hosted by Purpose Earth, an initiative of Unity Eart, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and the Source of Synergy Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The Source of Synergy was the primary administrative organizer of this gathering. The Holomovement is a ubifying world view for conscious collaboration accessing the interconnrctedness of all things in the universe. It is the rallying cry for radical collaboration, a social movement aligning each of our diverse purpose-driven efforts with a unifying worldview. Its a call to unity, not uniformity Guided by science and spirituality, the Holomovement invites you to join in this collective journey toward unity and social transformation. Sustainable, golobal transformation requires a cooperative network stretching out beyond our current silos of interest groups and individual organizational efforts. The Holomovement represents radical collaboration in action, founded in love, with a collective mission to support a global shift in consciousness while honoring the autonomy of each of our purpose-driven callings.
The pupose of our main project, The Evolutionary Leaders Circle, is to collectively inspire, support and serve conscious evolution and to collectively c0-create and synergize a global network of networks, organizations and individuals dedicated to accelerating the evolution of consciousness for the benefit of all life. Additionally, the Source of Synergy Foundation organizes Synergy Circles as prt of its mandate to expand synergt among like-minded people seeking to serve the highest good. Many Synergy Circles have been birthed by Evolutionary Leaders choosing to come together among areas of common interest or in local communities. A Synergy Circle of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle is an independent group of individuals led by two or more members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle who are inspired by the work of the Source of Synergy Foundation (SOSF) and/or its Evolutionary Leaders (EL) project to join together in synergistic engagement. These are 23 active Synergy Circles with themes that include Art, Conscious Business, Economy, Education, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Unity & Peace, and many others.