Program areas at The Summit Center
Opwdd services - Summit provides services sponsored by The new york state office for people with developmental disabilities (opwdd) to eligible individuals. These services include community and day habilitation services, in which a staff member provides training to individuals in self-help skills and activities of daily living in their home or community. Summit also provides respite services, which provides short-term relief to families by providing a child-care worker who organizes and provides structured activities, both in The home and on site at Summit. In addition, Summit provides family training in a group setting, or an individual basis, as well as supported employment services, which offers support to individuals in identifying, securing and maintaining employment.
Preschool - Summit's preschool program for three and four-year-olds addresses The needs of children with developmental disabilities in a highly structured and nurturing environment with rich staffing ratios. We employ a unique team approach that includes special education teachers, speech-language professionals, and other specialized providers working together to help each preschool child acquire The language, social, physical, and academic skills necessary for transition to public school. In addition to our traditional special education classroom, Summit provides The opportunity for integrated or multicultural programs.
School age - Summit's school-age program provides a 12-month school experience for students. Small groups of 6-12 students work in a classroom with a special education teacher, speech-language professional, instructional aide and The support of related service providers in many areas including occupational and physical therapy, adaptive physical education, audiology, psychology and social work. Additional aide support often is available to ensure that students receive sufficient one-to-one and small group attention. Our daily life skills program for students 14-21 years old focuses on The development of functional academics, leisure, domestic and self-help skills, as well as The development of vocational skills that lead to community empowerment.
For infants and toddlers who may be at risk or have confirmed developmental delays, The earliest years are The most critical. Early identification of developmental delays significantly improves a child's chances to achieve their full individual potential. Summit professionals work directly with children and families to assist them in addressing The specific needs of their children. Summit provides a broad range of early intervention services through The new york state early intervention program at no direct cost to families. Services are provided in The child's home, child care Center, or other familiar community locations. Summit's highly-qualified staff is available to serve children in every area of early child development including speech pathology, special education, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, applied behavioral analysis, bilingual services, social work, family training, parents-child group, audiology, and hearing impaired services. Summit also provides expert consultation services, various summer treatment programs and research activities.