Program areas at The Sundari Foundation
Operation of residential facility and resource center, known as lotus house women's shelter, providing free shelter, holistic support services and access to wide range of community resources for homeless women and children, including: food, clothing, counseling, job readiness training and educational workshops, access to medical and mental health treatment, pre- natal care, birthing and parenting classes, infant supplies, and a host of enrichment activities. The Foundation services include: 365,000 nutritious meals served annually 190,000 shelter bed nights annually 525+ women, youth, and children sheltered nightly 300+ newborns who call lotus house their first home and counting 88% successfully exiting The shelter system 14,000+ health care appointments and referrals made annually 250,000+ diapers provided to infants and toddlers annually in 2022, 1,411+ women, youth, and children were sheltered in our facilities. After its initial formation, The Foundation concentrated its efforts on providing relief to homeless, poor, distressed and disadvantaged women and children. It established lotus house as a prototype women's resource center and emergency shelter facility.
Through its wholly owned subsidiary lotus house thrift llc, The Foundation has established a work program and community outreach thrift shop, benefiting lotus house women's shelter, providing job training, clothing and furnishings for homeless, poor, distressed, and disadvantaged women in The furtherance of The Foundation's charitable and educational purposes.