Program areas at The Torrington Library
Circulating Library The Torrington Library operates as a public Library, providing print books, periodicals, dvds, cds, audiobooks, museum passes, video games, mobile hot spots, electronic resources/databases, ematerials, and public access computers for public use. The Library physically houses over 62,000 print books, 1,000 audiobooks, 2,500 dvds, 200 cds, 50 museum passes, and 2 mobile hotspots. Electronically, The Library offers access to over 100,000 materials ranging from ebooks to eaudiobooks, live streaming, cds, and magazines, all available from our website. All services are free of charge and available to any Torrington residents. Most services are also available to non-residents within Connecticut.
Community meeting space The Torrington Library has two meeting rooms available for rent to public. The Torrington savings bank community room seats 110 and The meeting room seats 14. Not-for-profit and for-profit organizations can rent The spaces to hold events and meetings. The Library also features two quiet study rooms, a reading room, a rotunda, and a program room where The public can gather and meet on a daily basis, free of charge. Organizations that have used The Library for meeting and/or party space include torrington/winsted rotary, The Torrington club, united way, The Torrington historical society, prime time house, madd, and more.
Programming and community outreach The Torrington Library hosted public events for all demographics. Sample programs for adults include musical presenters, lecturers, authors talks, historical character potrayals, film showings, and craft nights. Programs for children and teens included story times, craft nights, book clubs, informational lectures, film showings, homeschooling clubs, art programs, and more. The Library also conducts off-site outreach.