Program areas at UChicago
Instruction: In 2022-2023, the University enrolled 18,568 students; of that total, 7,496 were undergraduate students in the college (the University's undergraduate school), 4,350 were graduate students, 6,172 were students in the University's professional schools and 550 were non-degree students.
Scholarships & Fellowships: The University meets 100% of a student's demonstrated need with an extensive financial aid program which is designed to enable the most qualified students to attend the University regardless of their financial circumstances. For the 2022-2023 academic year, approximately 50% of all students in the College received financial aid in the form of grants and scholarships. University-wide expenditures for scholarships and fellowships amounted to $583.7 million. Of this amount, approximately $429.1 million was provided from unrestricted funds; the remaining $154.6 million came from restricted sources. Approximately 20% of students in the College (the University's undergraduate college) currently receive Odyssey Scholarships. The Odyssey Scholarships provide increased access by providing scholarship support for first generation students and students with family incomes typically below $125,000. The Odyssey Scholarship also provides funds for other educational opportunities like study abroad and providing a paid internship after the student's first year in the College. In October 2014, The University launched the No Barriers Program to eliminate the student loan requirement from all undergraduate, need-based financial aid packages. The loans were replaced by the University with direct grants. Beginning with the class of 2024, the University's Empower initiative will provide a grant/scholarship award guaranteed to cover full-tuition for families earning less than $125,000 and full-tuition, fees and room and board for families earning less than $60,000. In 2019, the University announced a new funding model for doctoral students. All students are guaranteed full tuition support, paid health insurance and an annual stipend of at least $31,000, beginning with students enrolling in 2020-2021.
Research: University of Chicago faculty cross traditional disciplinary boundaries to transform understandings in business, economics, history, law, literature, religion, physics, chemistry and biology and medicine, among other fields. In pursuit of these research endeavors, during fiscal year 2022-2023 the University was awarded a total of $755 million in research funding from federal agencies, non-federal government entities, corporations, foundations, and other sources. This fiscal year $542 million was expended from federal government sponsors of research, with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National Science Foundation providing the largest amounts of funding. Foundation research sponsorship awards totaled $66.4 million, followed by corporate research sponsorship of $60.6 million. The University also conducts scientific research in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory, owned by the United States Government and operated by the University through a disregarded entity, under the terms of a cost reimbursement contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. Argonne is a multi-purpose science laboratory with a $1,290.8 million annual budget and approximately 4,539 employees. Program Service research expenditures were $877.0 million and are included in the research program service expense amount, as is required for a disregarded entity. In addition, Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, an entity jointly owned by the University and Universities Research Association Inc., operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ("Fermilab") for the U.S. Department of Energy. Fermilab is the nation's preeminent center for high-energy physics and an international center for scientific research in elementary particle physics and astrophysics. Fermilab has a $607.8 million annual budget and approximately 2,079 employees.
The other program services that support the mission of instruction and research are: Auxiliary Enterprises Library Other Student Services Information Services Operation and Maintenance of Plant