Program areas at The Urban Assembly
Postsecondary readiness & success:the post secondary readiness and success team implements a variety of services designed to build awareness, readiness, experiences, and success in their college and career pathways. Programming includes ua's career connected, which consists of a ua-created curriculum and support model that works with students at The start of their high school experience (from 9th-11th grade); career pathways through work-based learning experience opportunities and industry partnerships; and college selection, application, matriculation, and persistence support.
Social emotional learning:the resilient scholars program (rsp) organizes schools around social and emotional learning principles to increase students' connection to school, social and emotional skills, prosocial behavior, academic achievement, and employability. The program includes monthly coaching sessions, professional development sessions, student assessments, workshops, and assistance with selecting evidence-based sel curriculum.
Academics/algebra success/leadership:instructional support: algebra success programs currently operating in new york city increase student performance in algebra by providing educators with strategies and resources to support math instructional quality. Extensive research has proven that 8th and 9th graders who succeed in algebra are far more likely to do well in high school and demonstrate college success at rates above their demographic peers. The program includes professional learning community sessions for peers to share best practices and improve their instructional expertise, coaching at school sites, assessments, and data analysis, including regents-based tasks required for hs graduation.
Other programs are pass through from ua schools and operations and data.