Program areas at The Village of Love Foundation
Day center/safe parking services hhap (contract a)hhap: stands for The homeless housing, assistance and prevention grant program, astate of California grant program that helps counties address, respond to and preventhomelessness.the day center offers The unsheltered of alameda, a safe, welcoming, and accepting space to relax insideand get a reprieve from The elements. Participants receive hot meals, snacks, hot coffee,beverages, access to wifi, computer usage, watch tv and movies, spend time with caringstaff and friends, participate in activities, receive referrals to social and supportive services,attend support groups, participate in fun activities/crafts, etc. We successfully provide thatand more. When becoming part of The Village of Love day center, each new participantmeets with a peer counselor to complete an intake form and set goals he/she would like toattain; receiving assistance from a case manager, they work towards obtaining selfsufficiencyand moving one step closer into attaining housing. Safe parkingsafe parking: provides individuals experiencing homelessness, who are living in their carsand vans, a place to legally park their vehicles in a safe, secure, sanitary and welcomingenvironment.
Esh: emergency supportive housingemergency housing support: defined as a city resourced housing solution for individualsand families in need of a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Dcsp gen fund (b) plha: day center/safe parking services plha (contract b)plha: stands for The permanent local housing allocation, funding to local governments incalifornia for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing The unmethousing needs of our local centerthe Village of Love day center operates seven days a week 9am-8pm. The day centeroffers The unsheltered of alameda, a safe, welcoming, and accepting space to relax insideand get a reprieve from The elements. Participants receive hot meals, snacks, hot coffee,beverages, access to wifi, computer usage, watch tv and movies, spend time with caringstaff and friends, participate in activities, receive referrals to social and supportive services,attend support groups, participate in fun activities/crafts, etc. We successfully provide thatand more. When becoming part of The Village of Love day center, each new participantmeets with a peer counselor to complete an intake form and set goals he/she would like toattain; receiving assistance from a case manager, they work towards obtaining selfsufficiencyand moving one step closer into attaining parking provider shall implement The city of alameda's safe parking extendedhours program serving unhoused individuals living in their cars and vans. Under thisagreement, provider will assume fiscal agent responsibilities to provide direct servicesto clients, coordinate programs and activities, and operate The safe parking program from7:00 pm to 7:00 am monday through friday. The provider will assume budget oversight,evaluation, and reporting responsibilities.