Program areas at The Y in Central Maryland
Y family centers - The Y in Central Maryland is a charitable, non-profit organization providing affordable, accessible health and wellness programs to all individuals, but targeted particularly to families, children, youth and seniors. All health and wellness programs and services are built around The goal of encouraging an active, healthy and engaged community. The Y is open to all, with scholarships provided to those who cannot afford to pay. The Y's family center programs served over 125,000 people. Reduced fees through scholarships were granted to approximately 25,000 people during The calendar year.
Head start programs provide educational, social, psychological, health, nutrition and parent education services. The Y's head start programs provided $22,034,014 this year in reduced fees to approximately 1,000 children ranging from infants to 4 years old, as well as their families.
The Y in Central Maryland's programming for children and youth, inclusive of full-day early childhood development, before and after school enrichment, summer camp and a wide variety of related programs, provides safe, engaging, developmentally appropriate and healthy youth asset development experiences. All such programs are designed to either prepare children for school or to increase their chances for success in school and life. The Y's youth development programs provided $10,785,646 this year in reduced fees to over 20,000 children.
Other program services