Program areas at TPF
Horticulture across its 22-acre property, tpf showcases Native plant horticulture. The headquarters property includes extensive demonstration gardens, natural vegetation, educational facilities, and plant production fields, alongside a full-service nursery, seed program, and bookstore. Much of the horticultural work onsite is accomplished through a robust volunteer program, which connects horticulture to our education and outreach programs. Tpf offers horticultural and botanical support to government agencies and nonprofit partners, with a focus on rare plant conservation and urban restoration. Tpf sold 126,820 Native Plants and 28,255 packets of Native plant seeds. The majority of those Plants were grown on site, and many of the Plants and seeds offered by tpf are locally sourced, providing the maximum benefit to biodiversity.
Outreach through diverse outreach programs, tpf seeks to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly landscapes in southern California. The Native plant garden tour, a two-day event showcasing visionary landscapes around los angeles had 3,000 attendees. Tpf tabled at 21 events throughout southern California attended by 8,610 members of the public. In addition to these in-person events, robust online outreach programs and traditional media appearances reached a large audience.
Education Theodore Payne Foundation tpf offers educational programming for landscape industry professionals, adults seeking continuing education, and k-12 students. These efforts are aimed at increasing public awareness of Native Plants, alongside practical skills and knowledge to implement ecological landscapes in southern California. During this fiscal year, tpf hosted 304 general public adult education classes to 11,356 students. During the same time, 372 southern California landscape industry professionals completed the 20-hour California Native plant landscaper certification program offered by tpf.