Program areas at Thomas Charities
Agricultural Projects and Microenterprises for Women. Thomas Charities-Uganda operates approximately fifty acres of land and a piggery provided to about 500 women and 50 men to farm and reap. Most are widows and former sex-slaves held by rebels in northern Uganda with no property of their own. The women keep the profits and manage their own funds. In addition, seed-funding is provided to several women's/widow's groups who operate various microenterprises such as catering, chickens, small goods shops, and sewing.
Medical Center and General Medical Expenses. Thomas Charities operates a full-time Medical Center and Mobile Medical Clinics in rural areas in Northern Uganda where access to local medical care is difficult or nonexistent. The clinics provide basic assessment and care. Ugandan doctors and medical personnel provide prescriptions and referrals for advanced care. Thomas Charities purchases the medicine needed for the clinics in Uganda and provides medical support on an individual as-needed basis throughout the year.
East Africa Literacy Programs and Education. In Uganda, Thomas Charities sponsors Teacher seminars to enhance and encourage local teachers who themselves have minimal training. All orphans within various villages are provided school fees, uniforms, and supplies to Primary Schools. The local Primary Schools are also provided with additional basic school supplies that villagers cannot afford. Students/orphans are provided scholarships to Secondary School, Vocational and College Level Schools.
Water Wells - Throughout Nwoya District in Northern Uganda, Thomas Charities drills and maintains water wells. This region has no electricity or sanitation. The villagers get their water from either rain water, bore holes (water wells) or more commonly a dirty stagnant watering hole shared with animals.
Community Development. This program consists of building projects such as Latrines, Medical Health Center, and the future Vocational School, Granary, and Literacy Center.
Mercy. Miscellaneous charitable giving not directly linked to a major program. Can be domestic or foreign. Needs are given in the form of food, clothing, and shelter where famine and/or floods have devastated the impoverished.