Program areas at TOI
Department of energy services provides energy related services to income eligible households, including the elderly, working poor, disabled, and families with young children in Tioga and broome counties through multiple programs. The intent of all energy service programs is to reduce the energy burden on low-income members of the community, thereby reducing dependency and liberating funds for spending on other pressing family needs.
The department of aging functions as Tioga county's lead agency in addressing the needs and concerns of non-institutionalized elderly citizens. The department plans, coordinates, establishes inter-agency linkages, and provides programs designed to assist older persons in leading independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their homes and communities for as long as possible. The range of services include, but is not limited to, information and assistance, case management, congregate and home delivered meals, nutrition education and counseling, caregiver support, non-medical in-home care, non-criminal legal services, benefit and entitlement education and enrollment assistance, ny connects Tioga county, and volunteer transportation services.
The department of housing services provides rental subsidies, substantial housing rehabilitation assistance, and manages a large number of safe, affordable apartments and buildings owned by Tioga Opportunities, Inc.
The department of planning initiates special communityproject and programs, the development of new initiatives within theagency, and coordinates health and safety repairs to eligiblehouseholds.
The department of family health services provides the only subsidized reproductive health care family planning clinic in Tioga county. In addition to pregnancy prevention services, the clinic provides breast, cervical, and prostate cancer screenings. The diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and education / outreach to historically underserved populations. This department also administers the wic (women, infants, and children) program for Tioga county.