Program areas at Toomey Residential and Community Services
Residential Services includes homes supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities funded by the office for people with developmental disabilities, transitioning foster youth learning independent living skills who receive supervised living funded through the office of children and family Services and youth receiving Services through the office of mental health who have significant mental health diagnoses, previous psychiatric hospitalizations and lagging skills which make continued living in their homes unsafe or challenging.
Foster care Services include the unaccompanied refugee minor (urm) foster care program, funded by the office of refugee resettlement, where youth come from refugee camps around the world or flee dangerous conditions in their home country to seek asylum in the united states. Goals of the urm program include supporting youth in exploring and adjusting to life in america while preserving and sharing their own culture with others.
Community based Services include community/day habilitation, funded by the office for people with developmental disabilities, where staff support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the Community, providing person centered Services that offer support in building independent living skills as well as providing opportunities for Community participation. Children's health home care management, funded by the office of mental health, assists with identifying and accessing needed medical and behavioral healthcare, social Services, educational, financial, vocational, housing and other supports for youth in the Community. New york state children's medicaid children and family treatment supports Services are the newest Services the organization offers. Children eligible for medicaid and their families can receive mental health counseling, set behavioral health goals and implement interventions for behavioral health barriers.
Mental health Services include the children and family treatment and support Services (cftss) focus on prevention and early intervention by providing opportunities. Goals include to better meet the behavioral needs at an early stage in a child's life to prevent the onset or progression of behavioral health conditions. Cftss is funded through the medicaid and private medical insurance.