Program areas at Touch Health
M-mama tanzania programin fy23, Touch completed the national roll out of m-mama across all 26 regions in mainland tanzania and zanzibar. Touch worked with vodafone foundation, pathfinder international and all government of tanzania entities involved (e.g. Moh, poralg, ministry of communication and information technology, e-government authority) to finalize the m-mama ict system for tanzania and migrate it to tanzanian based servers fully managed by the government and set up dispatch centers in each region. Touch also supported the government to develop an automatic payment module with the m-mama ict system to improve efficiency of payments. Touch and the other implementing partners trained regional government teams on the use and management of the m-mama system, developing the capabilities of the government of tanzania to manage and own the system in the long term.
Human resources for Health (hrh), deployment & retention and policy, and improving management and operational efficiency in the Health systemin fy23, Touch continued to support the christian social services commission (cssc) and their usaid-funded pata project. Touch worked with four cssc hospitals, in arusha, moshi and dar es salaam to improve their financial resilience and overall facility management. Touch developed an hrh and decision making dashboard that supports the medical officers in charge to use data to manage their facilities as well as to make strategic decisions. Touch worked with a third party software developer to develop the software and provided initial training and mentorship to the management teams of the 4 hospitals. During fy23, Touch also launched revenue generating services at 2 of the four hospitals above (i.e. Selian and st. joseph), which included fast-track services for opd patients and teleconsultations for patients outside of the hospital. Touch worked with hospital staff to implement these new processes, create ownership and continuously monitor the activities and fy23, Touch also started the medifikia program, with the objective of improving medicine availability and tracking of non-communicable disease (ncd) patients in up to 30 facilities in the lake zone. The first phase of the program included an assessment of 5 facilities in the lake zone to understand the key challenges and gaps. Touch used the results to select 3 initial facilities and start implementing operational improvements at their pharmacies and stores, and introducing a patient held medical record (or ncd card) distributed to all ncd patients to ensure patients and doctors have always available the needed information about the patient history and future appointments.
M-mama lesotho programin fy23, Touch completed the launch of the m-mama system across all 10 districts of lesotho and collaborated with vodafone foundation to start building the capacity of the government of lesotho and local partner riders for Health to effectively manage and own the m-mama system in the long term. Touch worked with the government of lesotho to finalize policies and processes for the m-mama system to be fully embedded in government's routine activities, including the standardization of continuous monitoring and evaluation activities and reporting. Touch also linked the m-mama ict system to government ict Health systems to ensure sharing of data.