Program areas at Town of Palm Beach United Way
BUILD HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES FOR ALL: Investments in health benefit the entire community because residents who have access to quality healthcare are more productive and require fewer government services and costly long-term care. Healthy kids are more likely to succeed in school and healthy adults are more likely to maintain or gain employment. The Town of Palm Beach United Way invested $1,538,068 into 29 programs at 19 agencies in Palm Beach County. Medical and Dental: Many individuals do not have access to health insurance or do not have the funds to pay for co-pays or prescriptions. As a result, they are unable to maintain or improve their health status and are at-risk for long-term, serious health issues. Poor health impacts the ability to function, to attend school and to maintain or gain employment. $402,400 was invested into 5 programs providing services to 10,405 patients. Mental Health: Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. A mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect the ability to function. If implemented early, support and professional services for individuals with mental health concerns will alleviate the need for more extensive services for serious illness. $320,000 was invested into 10 programs providing services to 14,900 children and adults. Substance Abuse: Individuals engaging in substance abuse are at risk of losing their families, jobs and engaging in risky behaviors. Most people who get into and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social and psychological functioning. Access to appropriate treatment, interventions or on-going recovery programs is necessary to help individuals overcome substance abuse addiction or mental health issues. $346,200 was invested into 3 programs providing services to 534 children and adults. Older Adults and Caregiver Support: The new generation of seniors has different expectations than previous ones. Older adults need services and programs that help them maintain independent living and/or increased or sustained financial security. Caregivers of family members need services that provide them support and help maintain a stable environment for their loved ones. $170,468 was invested into 6 programs providing services to 4,505 seniors and caregivers. Disabilities and Special Needs: After age 21, young adults with disabilities "age out" of the services and programs that help them maintain independent living, financial security and a stable environment. $284,000 was invested into 4 programs providing services to 1,798 children and adults.
IMPROVING CHILDREN'S EDUCATION: Investments in education prepare the next generation to lead our families, businesses and communities. Children who have access to high-quality education from cradle to career position themselves for work that pays a sustaining wage. The Town of Palm Beach United Way invested $1,153,200 into 23 programs at 16 agencies in Palm Beach County. Early Childhood Education: Children are more successful in school and throughout their lives when they have had the benefit of high-quality learning experiences in their early years. Early childhood education programs can put children on the path toward positive development and prevent poor outcomes in adulthood. $485,600 was invested into 6 programs providing services to 1,025 children. Elementary Afterschool and Out of School: Youth are more successful when they are provided with afterschool and out of school programming that bolsters their school day activities and helps keep them on track. $367,000 was invested into 5 programs providing services to 4,382 children. Middle School: Providing academic, social and behavioral support to middle school students prepares them to transition to high school to put them on a path toward success. $144,000 was invested into 4 programs providing services to 1,356 youth. High School and After: A high school credential is a minimum requirement for higher education, post-secondary certification programs and most career opportunities. Individuals with high school credentials are more likely to participate in the workforce, earn higher wages, and access safer housing, healthier food and better medical care than their counterparts who lack high school credentials. $45,600 was invested in 2 programs providing services to 1,279 students. Middle and High Afterschool and Out of School: Youth are more successful when they are provided afterschool and out of school programming that bolsters school day activities, helps keep kids on track, ensures students can access post-secondary options, graduate college workforce ready, and persist in obtaining a degree or credential that will put them on the path to success. $111,000 was invested in 6 programs providing services to 765 students.
HELPING ADULTS ACHIEVE FINANCIAL STABILITY AND STRENGHTHEN THE SAFETY NET: Investments in financial stability lift people out of poverty because income-based programs allow adults to find and maintain jobs, secure housing, pay down debt and save for the future. Adults who are financially stable are less likely to be homeless, engage in crime and develop health problems. The Town of Palm Beach United Way invested $1,243,400 into 20 programs at 13 agencies in Palm Beach County.Access to Jobs and Skills: Although unemployment has gone down in the last decade, salaries and wages have not kept up with the cost of housing and daily living expenses. For this reason, the main income earner in a low-income household works 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet, and many families are borrowing heavily and relying on high-cost alternatives to cover their daily living expenses. $175,000 was invested into 3 programs providing services to 825 individuals. Food Pantries: Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate food for an active, healthy lifestyle. In Palm Beach County nearly 200,000 people are food insecure, including more than 50,000 children. Hunger can have a negative impact on child development, educational achievement and mental and physical health. $174,000 was invested into 5 programs providing services to 63,478 individuals. Housing and Community Based Support: Individuals and families often live on the edge between low-income and becoming homeless. They may find themselves in need of emergency shelter for a variety of complex economic and social reasons. Emergency shelters are an essential component of homeless services and are often the first place to turn. Community based support helps connect individuals and families to community resources and services. $572,400 was invested in 8 programs providing services to 58,032 individuals. Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault and/or other abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another. It affects individuals in every community, regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, nationality or educational background. $322,000 was invested into 4 programs providing services to 11,538 children and adults.
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