Program areas at Transform Iran
Ministry Support/Outreach Transform Iran shares the message of the gospel with eager souls and engages with them in their time of need, offering guidance and support, as well as Christian teaching when required. Transform Iran also equips and mobilizes all its churches to engage in an effective and caring manner to alleviate suffering and bring healing and support to the most vulnerable segments of society.
Leadership training - Transform Iran provides programs in the areas of Christian doctrine and church leadership in Western Asia, Central Eurasia, and some immigrant communities in the Western Europe. Training involves robust follow-up capability that receives program feedback, encourages commitment, supports discipleship, and provides development for leaders.
Humanitarian support meets the needs of persecuted/imprisoned believers and their families, including those who have had to flee from repressive authorities. It also provides material support for Christian refugees who have fled from conflict zones in the form of food, utilities and medical support.
Transform Iran Media reaches out to the population of Iran to overcome its inhospitable environment, it augments church planting operations through the following: Transform Iran Internet provides Farsi language online resources, Transform Iran TV provides a range of programs via satellite broadcast with partners to address audiences with the gospel, Transform Iran Publications provides affordable printed and digital Farsi language resources.
Bible Translation: Translating the Bible into the different ethnic languages of Iran.